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8 Juni 2017 10:46

Densus 88 Arrests Two More Men Behind Kampung Melayu Bomb Attack

Both were arrested in West Java. Tunggul Kumoro
Densus 88 Arrests Two More Men Behind Kampung Melayu Bomb Attack Indonesian police stand guard after a suicide bomb blast at Kampung Melayu bus terminal in Jakarta on May 24, 2017. (AFP Photo/Fernando)

Indonesia's elite anti-terror squad Densus 88 arrested two suspects, under the initials MA and WT, related to Kampung Melayu suicide bombing case.

"The suspects were arrested on Wednesday at around 07.45 am," said National Police spokesman Sr. Commr. Martinus Sitompul, Wednesday afternoon.

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According to Martinus, MA allegedly initiated the bomb attack.

Martinus said MA led the meeting with two suicide bombers, Ahmad Sukri and Ichwan Nur Salam on May 19, 2017. They met at Assunah Foundation in Bandung, West Java, along with Muhammad Iqbal, a previously-arrested suspect.

"[MA] gave instructions to both Kampung Melayu suicide bombers," said Martinus.

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Martinus added, MA was arrested in Cileunyi Wetan, Bandung, Jawa Barat while WT, who acted as motivator for the two suicide bombers to perform the attack, was arrested in Pasir Biru, Bandung, West Java.

"WT is the leader of Asykari Assunah team which consists of Ahmad Sukri and Icwan Nur Salam, the suicide bombers," he said.

The day before, an investigation has led Densus 88 in cooperation with the West Java Police to arrest and detain bomb maker and motivator Muhammad Iqbal or Kiki, who once jailed for participating in Cibiru Bandung bomb attack in 2010.

Two explosions occurred outside a Kampung Melayu bus terminal on May 24, 2017 evening. Three police officers were killed during the incident with six others injured. On May 26, the police have secured three suspects under the initials J, W, and A. They are arrested in three different locations, in Cisarua, Margasari and Dayeuh Kolot.

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