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24 Juli 2017 19:30

Tax Official Sentenced To 10 Years In Jail For Receiving Bribe

He received US$148,500 from R Rajamohanan Nair. Petra Hapsari
Illustration: Shutterstock/bluedog studio

Former tax official Handang Soekarno has been sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment after receiving a bribe.

Handang is required to pay Rp 500 million in fines or receive an additional four months in jail.

Defendant Handang Soekarno has been convincingly declared guilty in this case" presiding judge Franky Tambuwun told the hearing.

Handang is found guilty after receiving a US$148,500 bribe, or around Rp 6 billion, from the Country Director PT EK Prima Ekspor Indonesia R Rajamohanan Nair to accelerate the settlement of a tax evasion case.

He is proven to have violated Law 20/2001 Article 12A on corruption eradication.

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