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15 Juni 2017 11:30

Health Ministry To Deploy Motorcycle Ambulances During Mudik Season

The motorcycles only serve to reach patient needing immediate first aid, not for evacuation. Tunggul Kumoro
Health Ministry To Deploy Motorcycle Ambulances During Mudik Season © Shutterstock

The Ministry of Health promisedto increase the number ambulances to provide better health services during this year's mudik season.

Beside the conventional emergency transportation, the ministry is preparing to deploy several units of motorcycle ambulances.

"To optimize the health service, we deploy two-wheeled vehicles equipped with a medical equipment," said the ministry's Health Services Director Bambang Wibowo at the Health Ministrybuilding, South Jakarta, Wednesday.

The motorcycle ambulances will be modified with a rotary lamp, sirene as well as an emergency box that carries tension gauges, stethoscopes, thermometers, oxygen cylinders and medicines.

"The motorcycles only serve to reach patient who need immediate first aid, not for evacuation," said Bambang.

The deployment of these vehicles will be focused on the most traffic-congested routes, including Brebes (54 units), Pemalang (8 units), Tegal (17 units) and Batang (22 units).

People who need the assistance of amotorcycle ambulance should contact 119 thatwill direct them to National Command Centre of the Health Ministry.

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