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8 Juli 2017 15:00

M. Hidayat Report Wakapolri Over Kaesang's Case Dismissal

It's going to be long ride. Tunggul Kumoro
M. Hidayat Report Wakapolri Over Kaesang's Case Dismissal Police illustration (Photo: Shutterstock)

Muhamad Hidayat Simanjuntak, who reported President Joko Widodo's youngest son Kaesang Pangarep over alleged hate speech, is considering to report National Police Deputy Chief Commr. Gen. Syafruddin to the National Police Commission (Kompolnas).

The decision was made after Syafruddin decided to dismiss the investigation on Kaesang last week.

"We're reviewing (the case), considering what was stated by Wakapolri (Syafruddin) recently, saying that the case [investigation] was discontinued because it didn't violate any element in the criminal code," said Hidayat at the Bekasi Police Office, West Java, Friday.

Hidayat, moreover also called Syafruddin's decision for dismissing the investigation on Kaesang unprofessional.

"He said my report was a made up stuff. As the person who reported it, I feel offended. So, I said that three-star deputyis incompetent. Incompetent and a disgrace toIndonesian Police. He showedhow poor the Indonesian Police's current performance is with that statement," added Hidayat.

Previously, Syafruddin confirmed on Thursday that the report by Hidayat on Kaesang was irrational. He then asserted that they would not proceed Hidayat's report.

"That's just made up stuff. I affirmed that the report was unreasonable," asserted Syafruddin.

Kaesang was reported to Bekasi police on Tuesday for allegedly defaming religion and spreading hate speech through his vlog. In the video, Kaesang commented on current problematic social issues in Indonesia and criticized the people yelling 'Kill Ahok!" and those refusing to perform prayer for supporters of former Jakarta Governor Ahok by calling them "Dasar ndeso!", which could be loosely translated as "you uncivilized people".

Kaesang Reported To Police Over Alleged Hate Speech

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