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24 Maret 2017 12:40

Sapardi Djoko Damono's 'Hujan Bulan Juni' Will Be Made Into A Movie

'There’s nothing more patient than rain in June', except Sapardi fans waiting for a movie. Tunggul Kumoro
Sapardi Djoko Damono's 'Hujan Bulan Juni' Will Be Made Into A Movie © Twitter/@SapardiDD

A book of poetry 'Hujan Bulan Juni' by Sapardi Djoko Damono is one of Indonesian legendary literature works. It has been published in form of comics and novels and soon it will get its movie adaptation.

"This proves that literature is not just letters lined up on a page, but it could be anything. Comic, picture, movie, song, in my opinion they are literature," said Sapardi, Wednesday toAntara.

At his 77th birthday event in the Bentara Budaya Jakarta, Sapardi stated that he will not interfere in the filmmaking process. He will let the director explore his work and turn it into a movie.

"If the movie is different from the novel, it's okay. The novel is still mine. The movie belongs to the director. So if the movie fails, it won't be my fault," said Sapardi.

Hestu Saputra was appointed to direct the movie adaptation scheduled to release this mid-year. The screenplay adaptation is written by Titien Wattimena while Avicenna will be the producer.

Hestu himself is a young director who worked on several movies including 'Cinta Tapi Beda', 'Merry Riana', 'Air Mata Surga', 'Ayat-ayat Cinta' and his latest is 'Perfect Dream'. His career is highly influenced by Hanung Bramantyo.

The movie itself will narrate the love story between Pingkan and Sarwono, taking set in Jakarta, Solo, Manado and Japan.

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