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3 Mei 2017 10:30

6 Myths About Asthma You Should Never Believe

It's time to end the debate. Brilio.net
6 Myths About Asthma You Should Never Believe © Shutterstock

Yesterday, May 2, was the World Asthma Day. The day might have passed, but it's never too late to get to know deeper about theillness.

Asthma is along term inflammatory illness of the airways of the lungs. It is characterized by wheezing, coughing, chest tighness and shortness of breath as its symptoms. An acute asthma exacerbation or asthma attack may occur a few times a day or a few times per week. The second attack, however could be more severe and dangerous than the first.

Asthma is not a fatal illness, but it could be a serious respiratory condition if is not treated properly. It could alsocause some inconvenient to the patients.

Unfortunately, not many peoplefully understand this illness.In fact, there have been some myths associated with asthma that lead to various misconceptions.

Here are some myths related to asthma that you need to know, as reported by our friends atHello Sehat.

Myth 1: Asthma is a genetic illness(hereditary)
This opinion is untrue, because someone can still have asthma even though no one in his/her family has asthma. It could be triggered by many factors, including environmental factors.

Myth 2: Asthma could be cured
Many of us believe that asthma is curable, especially when we no longer feel any of its symptoms. In fact, asthma could only be controlled, not cured. Asthma is a chronic disease triggered by pathological disorders which means the alergywill remain in our body.

Controlling asthma depends on its severity. If anyone feels none of its symptoms, it doesn't mean he/she is completely healed. One way to control it is by using an inhaler or avoiding trigger factors, such as stress, anxiety, dust, smoke and cold air.

Myth 3: People with asthma should not exercise
Exercise may be perfomed by asthmatics or people with asthma, moreover if they have been doing the proper treatment. Asthmatics are more advisable to exercise in places with high humidity, since dry environment could only lead to the narrowing of the airways due to dry respiratory tract.

However, until today there has been no scientific evidence that states the correlation between swimming and asthma recovery. Regular exercise such as swimming could only improve the fitness and function of the lungs; and asthma symptoms will reduce as someone finds any type of exercise that fits him/her.

Myth 4: Inhaler causes an addiction

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Photo: hellosehat.com

Most of asthma medicine are given through inhaler. The medical device works by delivering the medicine into the respiratory tract directly by oral inhalation. Although the use of inhalers is effective for controlling asthma, some people still think that the frequent use of inhaler could cause an addiction.

Thatis wrong because using an inhaler is similar to using a toothbroosh, causing no addiction.

Myth 5: Steroids are dangerous because they have side effects
Steroids are known to have various side effects such as osteoporosis, weight gain, bruises, diabetes, cataracts, heartburn, depression or indigestion. This leads to many concerns of consuming steroids as an asthma medication. However, one of the best method to control asthma is by taking the corticisteroid-containing drug which is identical to a naturally-produced steroid within our body. In other words, steroid is a safe and effective treatment for asthma. The conclusion is consuming steroids with an appropriate dose will cause no harm to our body.

Myth 6: Everyone has the same asthma symptoms
The fact is the symptoms of asthma experienced by each asthmatic could vary. It could be wheezing, coughing, chest tighness, and shortness of breath.

The article was previously published inHellosehat.comand all medical data have been reviewed by a licensed medical doctor.

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