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4 Mei 2017 15:30

5 Ways To Celebrate 2017 Star Wars Day

May the Fourth be with you, young Padawans. Tunggul Kumoro
5 Ways To Celebrate 2017 Star Wars Day © StarWars.com

It's May 4 again a.k.a. Star Wars Day.

For those who don't speak geek, the date was chosen as an homage to the popular phrase "May the Force be with you" which sounds similar to "May the Fourth be with you."

May the Force... May the Fourth, get it?

What's more special is that this year's celebration also marks the 40th anniversary ofthe franchise's first film, 'Star Wars: A New Hope'.

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While you might not be able to celebrate the day with riding Millenium Falcon or playing hide-and-seek with Chewie, there are still some ways you can enjoy the festivities and the spirit of the Jedis (or the Dark Lord, if that's your thing we're not judging). So, here,we have listed some of our favorite things to do to honour Star Wars Day.

1. Having aStar Wars marathon and by marathon, we mean ALL of the series, including those unspeakable prequels.

Photo: StarWars.com

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Revisit all the core titles on digital platform such as Blu-rays and DVDs. No need tocare about what's the best order to watch the first six, you choose, you rule! (Newcomers can go to the internet and conclude the never-ending debate). We dare you to finish all movies in one sitting.

For the pros, you can up your game by bingingits anthology and animation movies.

2. Staying indoor with Star Wars games.

Photo: starwars.ea.com

There is a way too long list of Star Wars game, but perhaps the most lively place you could find today is in the 'Star Wars: Battlefront' multiplayer mode. There have been also some gaming deals for the Star Wars Day 2017. You can save up to 77% for selected gaming titles across mobile and console platforms, including 'Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic' or 'Star Wars: Puzzle Droids'. So, don't bother the 'go outside and play'.

PS: A Battlefront sequel will be released on November 2017. Yay!

3. Fleshing out the story.

Photo: marvel.com

Star Wars story expands as vast as its universe, leaving some sagas that you could only catch in the comic. Say, you could find Poe Dameron's backstory before joining the resistance on 'Poe Dameron Series' or Darth Maul's revenge on 'Star Wars: Darth Maul'. They're all worth reading.

4. Getting all of the Star Wars trinkets.

Photo: StarWars.com

Give yourself less space by turning your bedroom into a real space. A lot of places offer discounts on their Star Wars merchandises today. Create your own starship battles by decorating your ceiling with the miniature of Star Fighters shooting all the Tie Fighters. Else, you can just battle your Stormtrooper brother's blaster with your lightsaber.

5. Joining the festival because why be alone if you can be with fellow Star Wars lovers?

Photo: Photo: StarWars.com

Fans might have been preparing for this day long time ago, but for those who don't know, you could also feel their excitement by participating the following festivals prepared for the 2017 Star Wars day:

- Star Wars Day: May The 4th Be With You - Singapore (May 4 to 6, 2017)

Photo: gardensbythebay.com

- Lego Star Wars Day - Malaysia (May 13 and 14, 2017)

Photo: legoland.com

- Star Wars Identities - London (November 2016 to September 3, 2017)

Photo: Facebook

- Star Wars Film Concert Series - New York (September 15 to October 7, 2017)


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