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28 Mei 2024 23:59

Without wrapping it around a rubber band, this is a way to deal with leaking LPG gas cylinders using only 1 simple ingredient

Can be done when you want to immediately continue cooking. Shahfara Raida
Without wrapping it around a rubber band, this is a way to deal with leaking LPG gas cylinders using only 1 simple ingredient foto: YouTube/sukiman sisu

Brilio.net - LPG gas leaks are difficult to predict when they will occur. If you are in a hurry to cook, this is very annoying. Especially for those of you who are still beginners in the kitchen, it will be easy to panic when you find a leaking LPG gas cylinder.

One trick to deal with leaking LPG gas cylinders can be done by wrapping a rubber band. On the other hand, there are also those who choose to insert pieces of rubber bands or old tires into the holes of leaking LPG gas cylinders.

However, YouTube account owner Sukiman Sisu has other tricks, you know. After investigating, this trick is no less effective in stopping LPG gas cylinder leaks. On the other hand, this trick also only requires one simple ingredient that is easy to find on the market.

Tricks to deal with leaking LPG gas cylinders.

Before getting into the trick, first remove the rubber seal that comes with the gas cylinder. YouTube account owner Sukiman Sisu usually no longer uses the built-in rubber seal. Then, prepare 1 bar of soap. Yup, this is the core ingredient for practicing this trick to deal with leaking LPG gas cylinders.

photo: YouTube/sukiman sisu

Rub the soap while pressing slightly 1 to 3 times so that some parts of the soap come off and enter the LPG gas cylinder hole. Make sure the gas cylinder hole is completely sealed with soap. After that, install the gas regulator.

If there is no more hissing sound or smell of sulfur coming out of the gas cylinder, you can be sure that the cylinder is no longer leaking.

photo: YouTube/sukiman sisu

So, are you interested in trying tricks to deal with leaking LPG gas cylinders like this or do you have other tricks? Taking a peek at Sukiman Sisu's YouTube upload, apart from having been watched 23 thousand times, quite a few netizens have given enthusiastic comments about this trick, you know.

How to clean LPG gas cylinders.

Cleaning LPG gas cylinders is a process that requires special care and attention to safety. Below are the steps you can follow to clean LPG gas cylinders.

Required tools and materials:
- Protective gloves
- Clean cloth or rag
- Soft brush
- Soap water
- Bucket
- Face mask


1. Before starting cleaning, make sure the LPG cylinder is completely empty. If there is still gas remaining, use it first or contact the authorities for help.

2. Make sure the regulator is removed from the tube. This is to ensure there are no gas leaks during the cleaning process.

3. Wear protective gloves and a mask if necessary to protect yourself from chemicals and dust.

4. Mix liquid soap with warm water in a bucket. Dip a clean cloth or rag into the soap and water mixture. Wipe the entire outer surface of the tube with a damp, dipped cloth. Make sure to clean all dirt, dust, and stains stuck to the tube. If there are stains that are difficult to remove, use a soft brush to scrub the area.

5. After the entire surface has been cleaned, rinse the tube with a clean cloth dampened with clean water to remove any remaining soap. Dry the tube with a dry cloth or let the tube dry naturally in a place protected from direct sunlight.

6. After the tube is dry, reinstall the regulator. Check for gas leaks using soapy water. Apply soapy water to the regulator and tube valve connections. If any bubbles appear, there is a leak and the tube should be checked further by a professional.

Safety tips:

- Do not clean the tube in a closed room. Always do so in a well-ventilated area to avoid gas accumulation.

- Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the surface of the tube or increase the risk of leaks.

- Do not use fire or sparks around the cleaning area to prevent the risk of fire.

By following these steps, you can clean LPG gas cylinders safely and effectively. If there is damage or problems with the tube, always contact a professional for further treatment.

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