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24 Maret 2024 12:29

Without soaking it in water first, this is a quick trick to boil green beans in just 15 minutes

The sweet taste and soft texture of green beans makes many people addicted to them. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani
YouTube/Ruli Yantiani

Brilio.net - Green beans are a group of legumes that have a lot of nutritional content. Starting from fiber, protein, minerals, and others. Green beans are also known as a source of antioxidants, you know. Consuming green beans regularly is believed to reduce the risk of cancer.

Green beans can be processed into various types of dishes. For example, make porridge. The green bean porridge menu is suitable for various groups, from children to adults. The sweet taste and soft texture of green beans makes many people addicted to them.

However, to produce a soft texture of green beans, it takes a long time to boil them, you know. There are even a number of people who deliberately soak them in water first before boiling the green beans.

In fact, if you know the trick, green beans can be soft in just a dozen minutes, you know. This trick was shared by YouTube user Ruli Yantiani. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he did not soak the green beans. Meanwhile, he actually boiled the green beans for only 15 minutes. This method will certainly save more on gas usage, right?

A quick trick to boil green beans in just 15 minutes.

The method is easy for you to copy at home.

photo: YouTube/Ruli Yantiani

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Ruli Yantiani on Saturday (23/3), first prepare the pan. Then add the green beans that have been washed clean. Then add water to boil. Make sure the green beans are completely submerged in water. After that, turn on the stove, cover the pan, then boil until it boils.

photo: YouTube/Ruli Yantiani

After boiling, the YouTube user stirred it for a while, then boiled the green beans for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, turn off the stove heat.

"I want to turn off the heat, then cover the green beans again and let them rest for 30 minutes. Even though we have turned off the fire, the ripening process is still going on, friends," he said.

photo: YouTube/Ruli Yantiani

After letting it sit for 30 minutes, the texture of the green beans begins to expand. Next, the YouTube user boiled the green beans again for 10 minutes.

"Well, this is the result after boiling for 10 minutes, the green beans have broken down and are soft," he explained.

photo: YouTube/Ruli Yantiani

This YouTube user also processed soft green beans to make green bean porridge. He added coconut milk, brown sugar and pandan leaves to the boiled green beans. Then cook again until the coconut milk boils.

"The coconut milk has boiled, I stirred it briefly so that the coconut milk doesn't break. Cook it again for a while until the coconut milk has reduced a bit," he concluded.

photo: YouTube/Ruli Yantiani

The video uploaded by the YouTube user has been watched 529 thousand times, you know. Many netizens are also enthusiastic about trying this trick.

"Thanks for the info on the recipe for how to cook peanut porridge, Mom, I'm ready to practice today, Mom," said the account @jordantakupaz6014.

"Thank you, ma'am, for the tips on cooking green beans so they don't boil for a long time, save gas, ma'am, thanks for the new knowledge for me, ma'am," wrote the account @khairaniku1093.

"Thanks for sharing, bro... now I know how to boil green beans so they become soft quickly," said the account @AmiiKreasi.

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