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5 April 2024 21:00

Without soaking in citrus solution, here's how to wash dirty towels so they're shiny again using 3 kitchen ingredients

Without soaking it in citrus solution, it turns out there are other ingredients that are effective for washing dirty towels Shahfara Raida
foto: YouTube/Menyan cikuya

Brilio.net - After being used for years, towels usually turn dirty even though they have been washed frequently. The condition of towels that are already dirty is difficult to return to being shiny again, that's why many people choose to just convert towels into rags.

However, if you know how to wash them, dirty towels can still be saved to make them shine again, you know. One popular way is to rely on citrus. Materials with high acid levels can be soaked in water, then used to soak dirty towels.

However, citrus is sometimes difficult to find on the market, so not everyone can buy it. So, if you don't have citrus, don't worry, because there is one more method you can try at home. This method was shared by netizens on the Menyan Cikuya YouTube account.

To practice this method, the materials that must be prepared are a bucket or basin. Fill the bucket or basin with enough hot water to soak the towel later. Then, dissolve enough vinegar and baking soda . Yup, those are 2 of the 3 main kitchen ingredients for practicing how to wash dirty towels.

Then, stir all the ingredients until smooth, then soak the towel in it. Let the towel soak for a few moments so that the stain causing the dirt is no longer stubborn.

"We'll wait until the water is cold," stressed YouTube account owner Menyan Cikuya, quoted by BrilioFood on Thursday (4/4).

photo: YouTube/Memnyan Cikuya

After soaking, you will see that the soaking water has turned brown because it has succeeded in removing the stain. Then, I just checked the towel for a moment. In the scrubbing process, you can add one more ingredient, namely dishwashing soap, so that the remaining stain can come off more quickly.

photo: YouTube/Memnyan Cikuya

Finally, rinse the towel several times with clean water until there is no soap residue left. If so, dry the towel in the sun until dry. Look, a towel that was originally dirty can become shiny again, right?

photo: YouTube/Memnyan Cikuya

Wow, even without citrus, dirty towels can still be washed and become shiny again, right? Taking a peek at the comments column on the Menyan Cikuya YouTube upload, which has been watched 2,000 times, quite a few netizens have left enthusiastic comments about this trick, you know.

How to get rid of the musty smell on towels.

Towels that have been washed may still have a musty smell. The easiest way to deal with this is definitely to spray clothes with freshener. However, you can also experiment using kitchen ingredients to get rid of the musty smell on towels, you know.

1. White vinegar.

White vinegar has antibacterial properties that are effective in eliminating musty odors. Soak towels in a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar for several hours or overnight before washing them.

2. Lime or lime.

Lime or lime juice contains citric acid which can help eliminate unpleasant odors. Mix lime or lime juice with clean water, soak the towels in the solution for several hours before washing them.

3. Baking soda.

Baking soda is an effective natural odor absorber. Sprinkle baking soda directly onto the damp towel and let it sit for several hours before washing the towel.

4. Salt.

Soak towels in water mixed with salt for several hours before washing them. Salt has antimicrobial properties that can help eliminate bacteria that cause unpleasant odors.

5. Lemon slices or orange peel.

You can also use lemon slices or orange peel as a natural fragrance. Put lemon slices or orange peel in the water when washing your towels to give them a fresh scent and help eliminate unpleasant odors.

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