- Seeing a snake during the rain is often considered a common occurrence, but in the Javanese primbon, it has its own meaning. This incident is often associated with a sign, one of which is that someone is talking about or gossiping about you. The Javanese primbon is indeed rich in symbolic interpretations that are interesting to know.
Snakes in primbon are often seen as symbols of strength, mystery, and hidden messages that seem unreasonable but are still believed. If they appear during the rain, their appearance is considered to bring a certain message that needs to be considered. It is no wonder that many people are curious about the meaning behind the myth .
This belief continues to live among people who still hold fast to ancestral traditions. Although not everyone believes it, the story of the snake and its interpretation is always interesting to discuss.
So, this article will review seven meanings of the myth of seeing snakes during the rain based on the Javanese primbon which is full of meaning, as compiled by from various sources, Tuesday (24/12).
The meaning of the myth of seeing a snake during the rain in the Javanese primbon
The meaning of the myth of seeing a snake during the rain in the Javanese primbon Sude Emek
1. Signs of being gossiped about
Javanese Primbon believes that the appearance of a snake during the rain can be a sign that someone is talking about you behind your back. This belief is especially true if the snake that appears is black and then passes in front of the house.
Javanese people usually respond to this sign by being self-aware in their behavior so as not to become the subject of gossip. This moment is also considered the right time to improve relationships with people around.
2. A sign that good fortune will come
In addition, seeing a yellow or white snake during the rain is believed to be a sign of good fortune in the near future. The good fortune in question can be in the form of material, job opportunities, and other good fortune.
Primbon teaches that when seeing this sign, the person should increase their worship or charity as a form of gratitude. Some people even believe that the heavier the rain when the snake appears, the greater the fortune that will come.
The meaning of the myth of seeing a snake during the rain in the Javanese primbon Piacquadio
3. Warning that there will be a problem
Snakes appearing in a hissing position in the rain are considered a warning of trouble. The problems in question could be conflicts with neighbors, obstacles at work, or obstacles in daily life.
Primbon suggests to be more careful in acting and speaking for the next few days after seeing this sign. Javanese people usually perform certain rituals such as fasting or giving alms to ward off negative energy.
4. A sign that an important guest will arrive
Seeing a snake entering the yard during the rain can be a sign of the arrival of an important guest. This belief is especially true if the snake does not show any aggressive behavior and just passes by calmly.
The guest in question could be someone who brings good news or someone who will have a positive influence in life. Some Javanese people respond to this sign by cleaning the house and preparing themselves to welcome the guest.
5. A sign of a change in fate
Furthermore, in the Javanese primbon, a snake that appears during light rain can be a sign of a change in fate. This change can be for the better or the opposite, depending on the behavior and attitude of the person who sees it.
This sign is often used as a momentum to do self-introspection so that the changes that occur bring goodness. Usually people who get this sign are advised to be diligent in worship and do good to others.
The meaning of the myth of seeing a snake during the rain in the Javanese primbon Syrikova
6. Message from ancestors
Not only is it a sign of life changes, seeing snakes staying in one place during the rain is believed to be a form of communication from ancestors. The message to be conveyed can be advice, warnings, or protection from bad things.
Therefore, in Primbon it is recommended to do light meditation to better understand the message that is to be conveyed. Some areas in Java have special rituals to respond to this sign, such as giving offerings or holding a thanksgiving.
7. Signs to be careful with people close to you
Finally, the appearance of a snake moving in a circle during the rain is considered a warning to be more vigilant with those closest to you. This sign does not always mean that there will be betrayal, but rather an appeal not to be too trusting and to keep personal secrets.
Therefore, you are asked to remain kind but not to give excessive trust to others during this period. So, it is better to be more selective in sharing personal information after seeing this sign.