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24 Mei 2024 14:00

Without sanding, your trick for removing rust stains from your keys is to only rely on 1 kitchen ingredient

Generally, keys are made of iron so they are sturdy and durable. Shahfara Raida
YouTube/Gado-Gado channel

Brilio.net - The key is used to close the door. Generally, keys are made of iron so they are sturdy and durable. However, after years of use, the appearance of the key can usually turn rusty.

Keys can rust because they undergo an oxidation process, namely exposure to damp air or water which causes reddish brown corrosion known as rust. Rust stains on keys will not disappear if you just wash them with water and soap, so many people choose to sand them.

Sandpaper has a rough enough surface that can scrape off stubborn rust on keys. However, if you don't want to sand, there are still other tricks for cleaning rusty keys. The trick was shared by gentlemen on the Gado-Gado YouTube channel account.

After all, you only need one kitchen ingredient to remove rust stains from your keys.

So, are you curious about the trick?

This method of removing rust stains from keys only relies on 1 kitchen ingredient.

Before starting the trick, first prepare a small bowl, then place the rusty key you want to clean into it. Flush the key with vinegar until it is completely submerged. Yup, vinegar is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing this trick to remove rust stains from keys.

"Vinegar contains acid that can remove rust from keys," emphasized the owner of the YouTube account Gado-Gado channel, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (24/5).

Reporting from nichi-mecha.co.jp, rust is alkaline, so when it comes into contact with the acid from vinegar, a chemical reaction will occur, namely neutralization. This chemical reaction will change the alkaline substance in the rust into another substance that is easily dissolved in the vinegar.

photo: YouTube/Gado-Gado channel

If the key is completely submerged in the vinegar, then let it sit for 24 hours. After that, rub the key with wire wool until all the rust is removed. Then, rinse the keys until they are completely clean and dry them. The key is ready to be used again.

photo: YouTube/Gado-Gado channel

Well, how about it, even without sanding, rusty keys can still be cleaned until they shine using just one kitchen ingredient, right? If you are interested in trying tricks like in this video which has been watched 30 thousand times or do you have other tricks?

How to store vinegar.

Storing vinegar properly is very important so that the quality and taste are maintained. Here are some tips for storing vinegar.

1. Store in a cool and dark place.

Vinegar should be stored in a cool, dark place, such as in a cupboard or pantry. Exposure to direct sunlight and heat can damage the quality of the vinegar over time.

2. Close tightly.

Make sure the vinegar bottle is always tightly closed after use. This is to prevent contamination and evaporation.

3. Use a glass container.

If the vinegar is stored in a plastic container, consider transferring it to a glass container. Glass containers do not react with vinegar and are better at maintaining quality.

4. Keep away from strong-smelling ingredients.

Vinegar can absorb odors from other ingredients. Make sure to store it away from items that have strong odors to avoid changing the scent.

5. Don't store it in the refrigerator.

Most vinegars, especially white vinegar and apple cider vinegar, do not need to be refrigerated. A cool and stable room temperature is enough to maintain its quality.

6. Pay attention to the shelf life.

Although vinegar has a very long shelf life due to its acidic nature, still check the expiration date if there is one, and make sure the vinegar is still in good condition before using.

By following these steps, you can ensure your vinegar stays fresh and ready to use at any time.

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