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3 Juni 2024 16:00

Without rubbing with sandpaper, this is how to remove rust stains from keys using only 2 kitchen ingredients

Rust on keys can appear due to frequent exposure to water or damp temperatures. Shahfara Raida
foto: YouTube/Home Tips

Brilio.net - Keys generally have a sturdy texture because they are made of metal. However, like other metal equipment, keys that have been used for a long time are also at risk of rusting. Rust on keys can appear due to frequent exposure to water or damp temperatures.

Rust stains are difficult to clean. That's why many people choose to rub it with sandpaper, because this tool has a rough texture, so it is effective in removing stubborn rust. However, if you don't want to use sandpaper, don't worry because there are a number of kitchen ingredients that you can use, you know.

How to remove rust stains from keys with kitchen ingredients was shared by YouTube user Home Tips. After investigating, this method is no less effective in removing rust stains from keys.

How to clean rust on keys.

Before starting the method, first prepare a container or bowl to place the key you want to clean. Then, splash the key with vinegar until it is completely submerged. Yup, this vinegar is the first kitchen ingredient to practice how to remove rust stains from keys.

After the keys are completely soaked in vinegar , then let it sit for several hours.

"It is best to leave rusty items in vinegar for 24 hours (The best duration for soaking rusty equipment in vinegar is 24 hours)," said the owner of the YouTube Home Tips account, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (3/6).

After soaking, brush the key with an old toothbrush. In this process, don't forget to use gloves, so you don't risk irritating your skin.

photo: YouTube/Home Tips

After brushing and all the rust stains are gone, immediately neutralize the key again by soaking it in a mixture of warm water and baking soda. So, baking soda is the second kitchen ingredient needed in this method.

Simply soak the keys in the baking soda solution for a few minutes just to remove the acid from the vinegar. Finally, rinse and dry the keys with a clean towel or cloth.

photo: YouTube/Home Tips

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