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25 Juni 2024 22:00

Without going into the fridge, this is how to store eggs to last up to 5 weeks and prevent rotting

Make sure to separate the eggs you want to store from the cracked eggs. Ida Setyaningsih
foto: unsplash.com

Brilio.net - Eggs are one of the ingredients that people often consume. This food ingredient is also easy to find, whether in stalls, markets or supermarkets. Generally, the eggs commonly consumed are chicken eggs.

As is known, chicken eggs are also rich in nutrients, you know. Quoting from kemkes.go.id, one chicken egg contains around 6 grams of protein, a number of vitamins such as A, B, D, K, and contains choline, selenium, iodine, phosphorus, iron and zinc. These nutrients are useful for reducing bad cholesterol levels, maintaining eye health, strengthening the immune system, and improving brain function.

Now, it's no surprise that many housewives and boarding house children like to stock chicken eggs at home. Unfortunately, chicken eggs are not a long-lasting cooking material. Maybe you have also encountered eggs that are rotten and not suitable for cooking at home.

To prevent spoilage and maintain freshness, eggs are usually stored in the refrigerator. However, sometimes there are situations where someone cannot store it in the refrigerator. Well, you don't need to worry anymore because there are tricks for storing eggs so they last without putting them in the refrigerator, you know.

How to store eggs without a refrigerator.

This method was shared by the owner of the Instagram account @siti_setyowati_. He admitted that he could store chicken eggs at home without putting them in the refrigerator. According to him, if left outside the refrigerator, the eggs can last up to 5 weeks. Meanwhile, in the refrigerator, eggs will last up to 15 weeks.

"Tips for storing eggs so they last without putting them in the refrigerator, it's easy, I won't teach you," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @siti_setyowati_.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @siti_setyowati_ on Tuesday (25/6), the woman appeared to be using one kitchen ingredient, namely cooking oil. He also prepared other tools such as plates, bowls, egg containers, rags and dry tissue.

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

The first step, separate the eggs that are still intact from the cracked ones. Eggs that can be stored are eggs that are still intact. Because cracked egg shells can allow bacteria to enter the egg.

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

Also prepare a damp cloth. Then, clean the egg shell using the cloth until it is clean. Yes, without washing it with water, the egg shell looks instantly clean. After that, dry the egg shells using a dry tissue until clean. Then, transfer each egg to a clean plate.

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

On the other hand, put enough oil in a bowl. Brush each egg shell with cooking oil until evenly coated. It is known that cooking oil can help the process of closing egg shell pores. If the pores in the egg shell are closed, bacteria cannot easily enter the egg. That way, it won't cause the eggs to rot.

"Coating with cooking oil can maintain the quality of the eggs during storage," he continued.

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

Then, prepare a container such as a clean egg storage container. Place the oiled eggs into the container. Store it in a safe, non-humid room. Without going into the refrigerator, this method can make eggs last up to 5 weeks, you know.

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