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21 Juni 2024 13:00

Without boiling it with spices, this is a trick to get rid of the prengus smell of goat meat using only 2 kitchen ingredients

If it is not processed properly, this prengus will remain stuck even when the meat is ready to be consumed. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Without boiling it with spices, this is a trick to get rid of the prengus smell of goat meat using only 2 kitchen ingredients foto: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

Brilio.net - Compared to beef, goat meat is known to have a less pleasant prengus odor. If it is not processed properly, this prengus will remain stuck even when the meat is ready to be consumed. Therefore, many people don't like consuming goat meat because of this.

In fact, there are a number of tricks that can be done to remove the prengus smell from goat meat . One of the most frequently used tricks is to boil meat using spices. After investigating, spices can help neutralize the smell of prengus, so that the meat becomes more delicious.

Unfortunately, not all meat dishes can be prepared by boiling. For example, if you want to make satay, of course you don't need to boil the meat first so that the texture remains soft. Apart from that, boiling meat also sometimes means that the spices do not penetrate completely when cooked.

Seeing this, many people then look for other ways to process goat meat, as did Instagram user @ummubalqishaura. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he did not boil the goat meat when he wanted to process it into satay. Well, there is a certain technique that he uses to get rid of the smell of prengus.

The effect of salt and lime to remove the smell of goat meat.

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @ummubalqishaura on Thursday (20/6), there are two kitchen ingredients that are relied on to eliminate the smell of goat meat prengus, namely salt and lime. These two ingredients are very effective in eliminating the smell of prengus because salt has antibacterial properties which can kill odor-causing bacteria. On the other hand, lime also breaks down fats and proteins that cause odor in meat. Apart from that, the fresh aroma of lime can also cover the smell of prengus.

How to use it is quite easy. Prepare the goat meat that has been cut into pieces. After that, put it in a bowl or container filled with water. Make sure the meat is completely submerged, okay?

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

If so, add salt and 1 squeezed lime. Don't forget to also add the peel so that the lime aroma becomes stronger. After that, stir and soak the meat for 10 minutes.

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

After soaking, drain and rinse the meat until clean. That way, the goat meat won't smell like pork and is ready to be processed. You can cook it into satay or various delicious stir-fries. Don't forget to use enough herbs or spices to make the cooking results even more delicious.

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

Since it was uploaded on June 14, this video about tricks to get rid of the smell of goat meat has been watched more than 160 thousand times. Who would have thought, many netizens felt helped by this trick. A number of Instagram users said they were interested in trying this trick directly.

"Auto save for cooking sacrificial meat," said Instagram @zafranaina.

"You have to try this, " said Instagram @aimadebyday.

"I'm saving it, umm, let's practice it," said Instagram @lailiyah_ahmad.

"Wow, after this Eid al-Adha, you have to save this way," wrote the Instagram account @dewidefa26.

"There is another tip from my mother, a former employee of the aqiqoh house, boiled goat meat with lime leaves & lots of salt, it doesn't smell like umma's trash," commented the Instagram account @meytaarr.

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