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29 Mei 2024 15:00

Without additional ingredients, this is a simple way to make beef rendang even tastier and doesn't go stale quickly

The key to delicious rendang is the texture of the beef. Nadhifah
YouTube/Murcia Cia

Brilio.net - There are many typical Indonesian dishes that taste delicious and appetizing, one of which is beef rendang. This typical West Sumatran dish is suitable as a side dish to accompany rice. Just add green chili sauce and boiled papaya leaves as vegetables.

The key to delicious rendang is the texture of the beef. So that the texture is perfectly soft, you have to process it properly. A number of people usually boil beef with the addition of various ingredients such as pineapple.

However, sometimes beef rendang goes stale quickly because it contains pineapple. Fast staleness is also indicated by changes in color and taste in beef rendang.

If you don't want beef rendang to go stale quickly, you can copy the cooking method shared by YouTube user Murcia Cia. In his video upload, this netizen provides a recipe and tutorial for making delicious beef rendang that doesn't go bad quickly.

A simple way to make beef rendang even tastier and doesn't get stale quickly.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Murcia Cia on Wednesday (29/5), first boil 500 grams of beef separately with spices.

"Drain it then put it on a plate. Usually, when you put beef directly into the spices, the remaining blood mixes with it. If you boil it, it will be as clean as possible, making it last longer," he said.

photo: YouTube/Murcia Cia

Once done, grind 6 cloves of garlic, 100 grams of red chili, 6 cloves of shallots, 2 cm of ginger, 3 cm of turmeric, and 1/2 tablespoon of instant rendang seasoning. After that, saute the ground spices until the aroma comes out.

photo: YouTube/Murcia Cia

In the next process, add the boiled beef pieces. Stir then stir-fry for a few moments so that the ground spices are completely absorbed into the beef.

photo: YouTube/Murcia Cia

After that, just pour in 1 liter of coconut milk. To make it more delicious, don't forget to add galangal, lime leaves, lemongrass, turmeric leaves and salt. Stir then cook rendang until the water is reduced and the spices are completely absorbed into the beef.

photo: YouTube/Murcia Cia

Can last longer than usual.

What makes beef rendang tough?

There are several factors that can cause beef rendang to become tough.

1. Selection of meat.

Beef that is poor quality or too old tends to be tougher. Choose fatty, lean cuts of meat whenever possible.

2. How to cook.

Rendang requires a long and slow cooking process to make the meat tender. If meat is cooked too quickly or too hot, it can make it tough. It is important to cook on low heat and let it soak in the spices for sufficient time.

3. Cut thickness.

Cuts of meat that are too thick can be difficult to cook evenly. It's best to cut the meat into pieces that are not too thick so that it cooks evenly and is more tender.

4. Lack of fluids.

Lack of liquid in the rendang cooking process can make the meat tough. Make sure to add enough liquid, such as coconut milk or water, and let the rendang simmer until the liquid is reduced and the spices are well absorbed.

5. Overcooking.

Cooking meat for too long can also make it tough. Even though rendang takes quite a long time to cook, it is a good idea to check the doneness of the meat periodically and stop the cooking process when the meat is tender enough.

By paying attention to the factors above and cooking carefully, you can make tender and delicious beef rendang.

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