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6 Januari 2025 14:00

Without adding oil, here's how to fry eggs so that the results are smooth, not sticky, and crusty.

It turns out to be simple and not complicated. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Without adding oil, here's how to fry eggs so that the results are smooth, not sticky, and crusty. foto: Instagram/@sharajevoo

Brilio.net - Rich in protein and easy to process, eggs can be turned into various dishes. This food ingredient can be processed with all cooking methods, from boiling, frying, steaming, to grilling. Among the many preparations, fried eggs are also one of the most popular menus.

Fried eggs are not only easy to make, but also flexible to be served in various situations. Starting from breakfast with warm rice and sweet soy sauce, to complementing instant noodles that make it taste even more delicious. On the other hand, the method of making it is also simple because you only need to use a little oil.

But do you know? Actually, fried eggs can still be made without adding any oil at all. With a special trick, you can fry fried eggs so that the results are smooth, not sticky, or even crusty in the pan.

Furthermore, an Instagram user @sharajevoo once revealed it clearly through one of the videos uploaded. Reported by BrilioFood on Monday (6/1), he admitted that he only relied on one type of vegetable to prevent the eggs from sticking to the pan when fried. Well, the vegetable in question is cucumber.

photo: Instagram/@sharajevoo

To practice it, you only need to prepare a cucumber that has been cut into two parts. After that, use this cucumber to rub the surface of the pan that will be used to fry the eggs. Rub evenly over the entire surface of the pan.

photo: Instagram/@sharajevoo

After that, turn on the stove and put in the eggs. Well, this method is suitable to practice if you want to make fried eggs or even omelets with minimal oil. Then when it is cooked, immediately remove the eggs from the pan. In addition to being easy to lift, the surface of the pan remains completely clean and free of crust.

photo: Instagram/@sharajevoo

Basically, lining the pan with cucumber slices before frying eggs without oil can make the surface of the pan less sticky because cucumbers have natural properties that help reduce adhesion. Cucumbers contain a lot of water and silica compounds that can form a thin layer when heated on the pan. This layer helps reduce direct contact between the egg and the surface of the pan, thus reducing the risk of sticking.

On the other hand, the process of rubbing the cucumber can also help remove any micro-residues of dirt or oil that may be on the pan. A cleaner, smoother surface will minimize sticking when cooking eggs. This technique works best on non-stick pans or pans with smooth surfaces, as it helps maximize the natural lubricating effect of the cucumber.

Having been watched more than 27 thousand times, this video about how to fry eggs immediately caught the attention of netizens. Who would have thought, many other Instagram users then gave direct responses in the comments column. Most of these netizens admitted that they wanted to try it directly.

"Cool tips," said Instagram @unge747.

"Huaaahh, just found out," wrote the Instagram account @tehpikiyes.

"Thanks for the tips, sis," said Instagram @rosiyana_ochie.

"Ahh seriously, I want to try it," commented the Instagram account @rumahummii.

"Wow, this is the secret, I seriously want to try it," wrote the Instagram account @dapur.bu.aya.

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