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5 Februari 2024 11:00

Using only 3 kitchen ingredients, this is a practical way to make a natural and effective mouse repellent concoction

The home area is free from these nuisance animals. Nadhifah
foto: YouTube/Plat H Kreatif ; pixabay.com

Brilio.net - Rats are often considered pests in agricultural fields of rice, dust, vegetables, and many more. But not only are they plant pests, mice also often enter homes without being invited. In fact, this animal can make the house dirty and damage various furniture.

Apart from that, mice that enter the house can also use up various food supplies. This is what makes most people want to get rid of mice from the house. Because if left alone, mice will breed and build nests in the house.

Unfortunately, catching mice is not the right choice, considering that the movements of this animal are quite active and fast. As a result, many people deliberately put poison in various places where mice often visit. It only takes a moment, the rat that has eaten the poison will immediately die by itself.

But you don't just have to buy it out there, because there are practical ways you can make a mouse repellent potion . The method was demonstrated by YouTube user Plate H Creative. In his video upload, it appears that this netizen only relies on natural ingredients, you know. Curious about how?

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Plate H Creative on Monday (5/2), there are three kitchen ingredients used, namely two types of onions, ground pepper and table vinegar. First, peel the skin of the two types of onions used. Once done, mash until both types of onions have a smooth texture, put them in a container.

These two types of onions can make mice feel sore when they are near them. "It's like we cry when we slice onions," said the owner of the video.

photo: YouTube/Creative H Plate

If so, put the ground pepper into the container. Before stirring, he also added toothpaste as a mouse repellent mixture. According to him, the mint content in toothpaste is not liked by mice.

"This has a really strong aroma of onions and pepper. We added mint to the toothpaste to make it fresh and not liked by mice," he said.

photo: YouTube/Creative H Plate

Stir until all ingredients are completely mixed. Finally, there is one more kitchen ingredient that is put into the container, namely table vinegar. You don't need a lot, just add a few drops of vinegar.

"This function is to strengthen the aromas in this concoction," he explained.

photo: YouTube/Creative H Plate

Stir again and then the mouse repellent potion can be used straight away. To do this, place a container of rat concoction in an area where rats often pass. It can be seen in the video that he put it under the table and between the stove. Because the aroma of the ingredients used is strong, mice will not come close and eventually leave the house.

photo: YouTube/Creative H Plate

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