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30 Juli 2024 05:00

Tricks for cutting tempeh so that the result is as thin as an ATM card and neat and damage-proof, perfect for making chips

It turns out it's easy, you know! Ida Setyaningsih
foto: Instagram @ummubalqishaura

Brilio.net - Tempeh has long been a favorite food ingredient for many families in Indonesia. This soy-based food is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients for the body. Quoting from kemkes.go.id, tempeh, which comes from soybean raw materials and Rhizopus oligosporus starter culture, has great health benefits. These include preventing various degenerative diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus , cancer and others.

One of the most popular processed tempeh is tempeh kriuk or tempeh krispi. This preparation has a savory taste with a crunchy texture, so it is suitable as a snack or side dish.

To make this preparation, the method is not that difficult, you only need to prepare tempeh, flour, spices and hot oil. However, there are still many people who double up when cooking this snack, because you need to slice the tempeh thinly and neatly to be fried.

But there's no need to worry, there are tricks for slicing tempeh so that the results are thin, neat and not damaged, you know. This method was shared by Instagram @ummubalqishaura via posts on social media.

"Cutting tempeh as thin as an ATM card is easy," he wrote, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @ummubalqishaura, Tuesday (30/7).

photo: Instagram @ummubalqishaura

First, prepare the tempeh that you will cut. Next, prepare a sharp knife that will be used for cutting. However, before cutting the tempeh, the owner of the video also prepared two other tools, namely a stick and duct tape.

"Use a sharp knife and attach the stick with duct tape to the knife," he explained.

photo: Instagram @ummubalqishaura

Yes, the piece of stick appears to be attached to the knife using duct tape or insulation. The goal is to make it easier to cut tempeh because there is little space. Apart from that, the tempeh slices produced will also be thin and neat.

"The stick cut serves to make the tempeh neat and easy when we cut it, so there is a little space when we move the knife," continued the Instagram account @ummubalqishaura.

photo: Instagram @ummubalqishaura

That's right, from the video, the resulting tempe slices look thin, neat and undamaged. The video owner said the number of tempe slices was increasing. These tempeh slices are suitable for you to process into tempeh chips or crispy fried tempeh.

Apart from sharing tricks for cutting thin and neat tempeh, he also provides a recipe for making crunchy tempeh. Prepare seasonings such as 3 tablespoons cornstarch, 150 gr wheat flour, instant marinade, garlic powder, water, sliced red chilies, spring onions.

photo: Instagram @ummubalqishaura

Mix all the ingredients together, then stir well. He also mixed 1 tablespoon of cooking oil into the mixture. This serves to make the tempeh even crispier.

"So that the crunch lasts a long time," he explained,

After that, add the thin tempeh slices that have been cut, mix gently. Then, fry until cooked in quite a lot of oil. Now, the tempe kriuk is cooked and has a crispy texture. This is because the results of the tempeh cuts are thin and neat. How, easy right, interested in trying?

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