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8 Juli 2024 10:00

This trick for boiling papaya leaves can remove the bitterness and prevent the color from turning black, just add 1 ingredient

It's perfect for those of you who want to eat papaya leaves but it's not bitter Shahfara Raida
foto: YouTube/MGB GARDEN

Brilio.net - Papaya leaves are often served in typical home vegetable dishes to complement rice and side dishes. This leaf is known to be good for health, you know.

Reporting from healthline.com, papaya leaves are high in fiber and various vitamins to balance blood sugar levels. Apart from that, papaya leaves also function to improve digestion, prevent inflammation, and so on.

However, many people are reluctant to eat papaya leaves because they have a dominant bitter taste. So to get rid of the bitter taste, these leaves can be boiled first with certain ingredients. The trick for boiling papaya leaves was shared by YouTube account user MGB GARDEN.

This woman didn't just share tricks, but conducted experiments to get the most effective trick to get rid of bitter papaya leaves. In fact, his findings revealed a trick that also keeps the color of papaya leaves green after boiling, you know.

" I have prepared 5 containers of papaya leaves, each weighing 100 grams, boiled in 120 ml of water for 15 minutes ," said the owner of the MGB GARDEN YouTube account, quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (8/7).

photo: YouTube/MGB GARDEN

The papaya leaves which have been separated into 5 parts will be boiled using 5 different tricks. First, the papaya leaves are boiled without adding any ingredients. Then, the second papaya leaf is boiled using additional guava leaves. Meanwhile, in the third, papaya leaves are boiled with tamarind.

photo: YouTube/MGB GARDEN

Next, the last two papaya leaves will be boiled each with the addition of ampo (clay) and baking soda. Like the previous papaya leaves, these last two papaya leaves are also boiled in 120 ml of water for 15 minutes.

photo: YouTube/MGB GARDEN

After boiling, the papaya leaves must be rinsed with clean water before serving.

photo: YouTube/MGB GARDEN

Well, it's time for the owner of the MGB GARDEN YouTube account to taste which papaya leaves have been successfully boiled until the results are not bitter and not blackened. According to him, the first papaya leaves that were boiled without any additional ingredients remained green, but still tasted bitter.

Then, the second papaya leaf that is boiled using guava leaves also remains green, but the bitter taste is slightly reduced. Meanwhile, papaya leaves that are boiled using tamarind have the most bitter taste compared to the others and the color of the leaves is no longer bright green.

On the other hand, YouTube account user MGB GARDEN said that boiled papaya leaves with the addition of baking soda reduced the bitter taste and the color remained green. The texture of the papaya leaves also becomes softer after boiling them with baking soda.

So, finally, papaya leaves boiled with ampo are the winners. The owner of the YouTube account MGB GARDEN said that the results of boiling papaya leaves with the addition of clay are not bitter at all and the color remains green.

" In conclusion, the most effective way to get rid of the bitter taste is... AMPOOOO clay ," he wrote in the video caption.

photo: YouTube/MGB GARDEN

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