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27 Juni 2024 14:00

This man frugal lives to the point of helping him lose 30 kg, take a peek at his meal menu which costs IDR 3,000 a day

This man who lives in Solo admitted that his journey from home to his office was 15 km. Shahfara Raida
foto: TikTok/@pinkerton87

Brilio.net - Frugal living has become a habit for a number of people, one of whom is Peter Gunawan, TikTok content creator on the account @pinkerton87. This man actively shares his activities implementing the concept of frugal living which has inspired many people.

Frugal living focuses on managing financial priorities, so that funds spent are less than income. For Peter, one way to live a frugal life is by cycling every time he goes to the office.

This man who lives in Solo admitted that his journey from home to his office was 15 km. As a result, when commuting by vehicle, expenses for buying fuel tend to be high, so he prefers to ride a bicycle without any petrol at all.

"If you drive a car you can use up 200k of petrol a week," he wrote in the video caption, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @pinkerton87, Thursday (27/6).

photo: TikTok/@pinkerton87

When he arrives at the office, Peter usually showers and has breakfast before starting work. For breakfast, he often eats oats. Apparently, he had kept a stock of oats in the office, so he could immediately brew them when he wanted to eat.

Supportive office friends turn out to have a big influence on living frugal living. Every now and then, Peter gets free food, like this snack, called jadah.

photo: TikTok/@pinkerton87

On that day, he also got free cereal from his co-workers. So, to make it even more delicious, he combined the cereal with a bottle of milk which he bought for IDR 3,000. Yup, at this moment he only spent IDR 3,000 for a day's snacks.

photo: TikTok/@pinkerton87

Sometimes, he can also snack as much as IDR 5,000 to IDR 8,000 per day. However, there are also certain days that make him spend more money than the figures mentioned. However, he minimizes expenses as much as possible so that his frugal living efforts don't fail.

So, next, after coming home from work, Peter admitted that he regularly cooks and eats dinner at home. This is an example of a dish, namely white rice, stir-fried vegetables, chili sauce and fried fish. According to him, if you calculate one portion like this, you have capital of IDR 6,000.

photo: TikTok/@pinkerton87

Peter explained that apart from being able to save money, his frugal living efforts also had a positive impact in other ways, you know. One of them, he became more disciplined in managing his time so he could wake up early every day. The reason is, riding a bicycle takes longer to travel than using a car or motorbike, therefore he has to get up earlier.

On the other hand, from a health perspective, he can also get better quality sleep. Not only about sleep, Peter is also known to have succeeded in losing tens of kilograms of weight from implementing this frugal living method.

"The quality of sleep is also better and helps with dieting to achieve weight loss (weight loss) of 30 kg," he said.

photo: TikTok/@pinkerton87

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