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9 April 2024 02:00

This healthy way to cook rendang is suitable for a diet, it is still deliciously thick even without coconut milk and oil

This rendang only contains 353 calories, you know. Shahfara Raida
foto: YouTube/Elaine Hanafi

Brilio.net - Rendang is a mainstay side dish to be served at special moments, such as Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, Christmas, birthdays, weddings and so on. Rendang can be made using various animal meats or eggs, but beef is definitely the winner.

However, rendang is often an enemy among people who are on a diet to lose weight. The reason is, this dish is known to be high in calories because it contains a lot of oil and coconut milk. Reporting from healthline.com, consuming a lot of calories can make you gain weight.

However, from now on you don't need to worry, because you can make healthy rendang for your own diet at home. So that you don't get confused, you just have to follow the rendang recipe shared by netizens on Elaine Hanafi's YouTube account. After investigating, rendang can be low in calories because it is not made using oil and coconut milk at all, you know.

"Diet rendang with a minimalist concept, so the spices are not too complicated, but still delicious, melty (thick), and of course low in calories, without oil at all, you can," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube's Elaine Hanafi on Monday (8 /4).

How to cook healthy rendang suitable for diet.

Before cooking, first prepare ingredients such as spices and meat. Puree the shallots, garlic, candlenuts, coriander, cumin, star anise, cloves, ginger and red chilies. Don't forget to add a little water before grinding the spices so they don't get stuck in the blender.

Meanwhile, also prepare whole spices that you just need to add to the dish later. First crush the whole spices such as galangal and lemongrass, so that the aroma comes out more.

Then, cut the beef into pieces according to your taste. YouTube account owner Elaine Hanafi also explained that if a piece of meat still has quite a lot of fat, you can cut it and set it aside.

photo: YouTube/Elaine Hanafi

After that, prepare a non-stick pan or pan, heat it over a small stove fire. When the pan is hot, add the ground spices. Stir briefly, cover the pan, and wait until the spices boil.

When it's boiling, then add the whole spices, namely lemongrass and galangal. To make it even more fragrant, you can also add a few lime leaves. Stir gently until it boils again, then add the meat pieces. Then, stir again and cover the pan.

"We just cook it slowly, so the fire is small but for a long time, so it penetrates better and the spices aren't raw," emphasized the netizen who is familiarly called Elaine.

photo: YouTube/Elaine Hanafi

Before adding the next ingredients, this rendang must be cooked first until the water is completely dry and soaks into the meat. Later, the meat will release natural oils, this is the key to how this rendang dish remains delicious even if you don't add any cooking oil at all.

YouTube account owner Elaine Hanafi also said that the natural oil from meat also helps eliminate the unpleasant smell of spices. So, next, just add a little low fat milk. Yup, this low fat milk is a substitute for coconut milk in this rendang.

"The milk can be low fat milk, almond milk, or water mixed with creamer," added Elaine.

photo: YouTube/Elaine Hanafi

After adding the milk, stir the rendang briefly, then cover the pan and leave it until the rendang is dry again. If so, the diet version of rendang is ready to be served. YouTube account owner Elaine Hanafi explained that her rendang only contains 353 calories, you know.

photo: YouTube/Elaine Hanafi

So, are you curious about cooking rendang like this at home? Taking a peek at Elaine Hanafi's YouTube upload which has been watched 92 thousand times, many netizens have succeeded in trying to make diet rendang at home, you know. On the other hand, there are also those who share other tricks about cooking rendang.

"Before blending the spices, roast them first to reduce the taste... I hope this helps, " wrote YouTube @lalaagra1560.

"I've tried it + added small potatoes for the carbon. It's delicious... thanks for the recipe," said YouTube @diahayunefertiti6614.

How to store rendang so it doesn't go stale quickly.

Rendang is usually cooked directly in large portions so that it can be stored and eaten again at a later date. So, so that it doesn't get stale quickly, first find out how to store rendang below.

1. Good storage conditions.

Make sure the rendang is stored in a clean and tight airtight container. You can use an airtight plastic or glass container, or a ziplock plastic bag that can be sealed tightly.

2. Choose the right storage temperature.

Rendang must be stored at cool temperatures to prevent bacterial growth. Ideally, store rendang in the refrigerator or refrigerator at a temperature below 4 degrees Celsius (around 39 degrees Fahrenheit).

3. Cut and store in small portions.

If possible, cut the rendang into small portions before storing. This makes it possible to warm or prepare only the portion of rendang that will be eaten, while the rest remains sealed and protected.

4. Reuse boiled water.

If you want to store rendang for a longer time, you can store it in rendang boiled water. After cooking, let the rendang and cooking water cool before storing in an airtight container in the refrigerator. The cooking water can help keep the rendang moist and provide additional flavor when reheated.

5. Pay attention to the shelf life.

Rendang can usually be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. If you want to keep it longer, you can freeze it and store it in the freezer for 1-2 months. Make sure to mark the storage date so you can track its shelf life.

6. Reheat properly.

When reheating rendang, make sure to heat it evenly until it is hot throughout. Do not leave the marinade for too long at room temperature or warm room temperature, as this can increase the risk of bacterial growth.

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