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19 November 2024 08:00

Practical way to remove rust on dish rack without toothpaste

Because it is often exposed to water droplets from newly washed dishes, rust spots can appear on the surface of the dish rack. Nadhifah
Practical way to remove rust on dish rack without toothpaste foto: YouTube/rumahraqila4577

Brilio.net - A dish rack is one of the important kitchen tools used to store plates, glasses , and other kitchen utensils. With a dish rack, kitchen utensils can be neatly arranged and easily taken when needed.

In the market, dish racks are available in various shapes and materials. Many people choose stainless steel dish racks because they are considered more sturdy. However, because they are often exposed to water droplets from newly washed dishes, rust spots can appear on the surface of the dish rack. If left unchecked, the dish rack will look dirty and can be damaged.

As a solution, many people smear toothpaste all over the surface of the dish rack. However, for maximum results, a lot of toothpaste is needed. If you don't want to use toothpaste, there is another way to remove rust from the dish rack. This method is demonstrated by YouTube user @rumahraqila4577.

At the beginning of the video, he shows the appearance of his dirty and rusty dish rack. The rack that was originally clean white has turned yellowish brown because it is covered in rust.

photo: YouTube/rumahraqila4577

To clean it , he wiped the entire surface of the dish rack with a brush. This aims to remove dirt and dust that is still stuck.

photo: YouTube/rumahraqila4577

Once all surfaces are no longer dusty or dirty, take a white spray paint. Spray the spray paint over the entire surface of the rusty dish rack.

"Spray evenly, repeat if necessary until the rust covers it," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube @rumahraqila4577 on Tuesday (11/18).

photo: YouTube/rumahraqila4577

If it feels even, put the dish rack under the sunlight. Wait a few moments until the spray paint dries. If so, the dish rack can be put into the kitchen and used as usual.

The result is quite satisfying, right? There is no more crusty part of the dish rack. It also looks clean like new again.

photo: YouTube/rumahraqila4577

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