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23 Desember 2024 19:00

No need to stack, this is how to store food in small serving lids so it fits a lot

Usually the shape and size of the food cover can be adjusted to the capacity of the food stored inside. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
No need to stack, this is how to store food in small serving lids so it fits a lot YouTube/Mas Tukang

Brilio.net - Food covers are one of the most important kitchen tools to protect food from various contaminations. Starting from dust, insects, to dirt flying in the air, all can be prevented by using the right food cover. These food protection devices come in various shapes, sizes, and materials - from traditional bamboo woven ones to modern ones made of food grade plastic or glass.

However, as time goes by, the food cover is no longer just a food protector. Now many people use it as a decorative element on the dining table. It is not surprising that the design of the food cover is increasingly diverse and aesthetic, although sometimes the size does not always match the needs. This is what then triggers bad habits, where people are desperate to stack food so that it can fit under a food cover that is too small.

Stacking food haphazardly to fit the size of the serving hood is certainly not a wise solution. In addition to the risk of food spilling or falling, this method can also invite various hygiene problems. Just imagine when vegetable soup drips onto other dishes below it, or fried crumbs dirty the stacked food. Not to mention the risk of the serving hood tipping over due to the unbalanced weight of the food.

Instead, you can apply a simple trick like that done by YouTube user Mas Tukang. Through one of the uploaded YouTube Shorts videos, he provides a practical solution for storing food in a small food hood so that it can fit a lot. After investigating, he uses another kitchen tool.

photo: YouTube/Mas Tukang

"Want to put two plates in a small serving dish? Just use a glass," said YouTube Mas Tukang as quoted by BrilioFood on Monday (23/12).

In the video, YouTube user Mas Tukang initially wanted to store two plates of food. Instead of stacking them directly, he used a glass as a support. The size of this glass also tends to be small and short.

photo: YouTube/Mas Tukang

How to use it is also very easy. First, leave an empty space in the middle of one of the plates containing food. Then place the small glass in the middle of the plate.

photo: YouTube/Mas Tukang

Next, place another plate (filled with food) on top of the glass. After stacking it like that, you can cover it with a food cover. Although the size of the food cover is small, with this trick, the stored food can fit a lot and be tightly closed.

If you want to store leftover food at home, this trick is very suitable to practice. In addition to small food covers, this trick also applies to storing food in large food covers so that more plates can fit. How about it? Very useful, right? No wonder the video uploaded on April 29, 2023 has been watched almost 4,000 times.

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