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19 Juli 2024 20:00

No need to replace it with a new one, here's a trick to change a dull light switch so it shines again using 2 kitchen ingredients

Dull light switches feel like new again. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
foto: Instagram/@safaralles

Brilio.net - Light switches are one of the important elements in household electrical installations that are often neglected. However, over time, light switches can become dull because they lose their original shine. The main cause of this condition is the accumulation of dust and dirt from the surrounding air.

Apart from that, dirt from your hands when turning on or off the switch also contributes to dull light switches. Every time the switch is used, natural oils from the skin as well as food residue or even beauty products on the hands can stick to it and form a layer of dirt. If not cleaned regularly, this layer will become thicker and harder to remove, resulting in the switch looking duller over time.

So if it's already dull and dirty like that, many people are confused when they want to clean it. The reason is that the dull stains on the switch are difficult to clean even if you wipe them with a tissue. As a result, quite a few people then have to dismantle the switch and replace it with a new one.

Even though you know what? Instead of getting a new one, you can turn a dull switch into a shiny one again with a simpler trick. This trick was shared by Instagram user @safaralles in one of the uploaded videos. He admitted that there are kitchen ingredients that are very effective for removing stubborn stains on light switches, so that they will look shiny again.

photo: Instagram/@safaralles

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @safaralles on Friday (19/7), the kitchen ingredients in question are lime juice and vinegar. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of lime juice and 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a small container. Then add 2 tablespoons of water and stir until evenly mixed.

photo: Instagram/@safaralles

Next, prepare a clean cloth and dip it in the acidic liquid. After that, rub all the dirty and dull parts of the light switch. Do this process until the dirt is completely lifted and gone. Finally, wipe using a dry cloth to remove any remaining stains that are still attached.

photo: Instagram/@safaralles

Basically, vinegar and lime juice are an effective combination for removing stubborn stains on light switches because of the strong acidic nature of both ingredients. Vinegar contains acetic acid which has the ability to dissolve dirt and oil residue attached to the surface of the switch. Acetic acid is also effective in killing bacteria and fungi, so it not only cleans but also sterilizes the area being cleaned.

On the other hand, lime juice contains citric acid, which is also a strong acid and has the natural ability to break down dirt and oil. This citric acid helps dissolve stubborn stains and remove them from the surface of the switch. Additionally, lime has natural whitening properties that can help restore shine to dull, oxidized surfaces. The combination of citric acid and acetic acid from vinegar can be a very effective mixture in cleaning stubborn stains.

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