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14 Oktober 2024 12:00

Just use 1 tool, this quick trick to pick moringa leaves does not make your hands sore

Moringa leaves are processed into various types of dishes such as clear vegetable soup. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Brilio.net - Moringa leaves are one of the plants that are often used as food ingredients because of their very high nutritional content. Moringa leaves are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and protein, so they are considered a 'superfood' that has many health benefits. In various regions, moringa leaves are processed into various types of dishes such as clear vegetable soup .

In everyday life, moringa leaves are easy to find and process. Many people plant moringa trees in their yards as a cheap and highly nutritious food source. It is no wonder that most people choose to consume this vegetable.

However, there is one thing that many people often complain about when they want to process Moringa leaves, namely the process of picking them. Moringa leaves that are to be cooked must first be picked from the stem because the stem tends to be hard and cannot be consumed. Given the small size of the leaves and the many in one stem, this process tends to take time and can make your hands sore.

To prevent this, you can imitate a simple trick shared by Instagram user @melo_tukang_sampah_berdasi. Through one of the uploaded videos, the netizen claimed to have a trick to pick moringa leaves faster, easier, and without making your hands sore. After investigating, he relied on one kitchen tool.

photo: Instagram/@melo_tukang_sampah_berdasi

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @melo_tukang_sampah_berdasi on Sunday (13/10), the kitchen tool in question is a strainer. More precisely, he uses a stainless steel strainer that has small holes. Well, these holes can speed up the process of picking moringa leaves.

photo: Instagram/@melo_tukang_sampah_berdasi

Just take one small stem of moringa leaf. Then insert it into the hole of the strainer from the top. Once done, immediately pull the end of the stem of the moringa leaf from the bottom of the strainer.

photo: Instagram/@melo_tukang_sampah_berdasi

At this stage, the moringa leaves attached to the stem will get stuck when they hit the sieve holes. As a result, the moringa leaves are picked and released. Well, the results of the moringa leaf picking will also be directly collected in the concave part of the sieve.

How, easy enough, right? You can repeat the process until all the moringa leaves have been picked. That way, you can save time and your hands won't get sore. Well, these moringa leaves can then be cooked immediately.

Since it was uploaded on October 2, the video about the quick trick to pick moringa leaves has been watched more than 4 million times. It is no wonder that many netizens have also given direct responses in the comments column. Most of these Instagram users admit that the trick is very useful to imitate.

"You can try it, bro, I'll feel sleepy if I pick these vegetables," said Instagram @mwulan25.

"Yes, that's right... Moringa leaves have hard stems even though the leaves are still young," explained Instagram @ginnygatot.

"Useful information," said Instagram @ircly_09.

"Otw, I picked moringa leaves tomorrow, I want to cook but I'm too lazy to pick each leaf, it's really inspiring," wrote the Instagram account @endang_wahono.

"Thanks, can try it, and hopefully it's useful," commented the Instagram account @eknoviynti_06.

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