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1 Mei 2024 13:00

Just add 1 kitchen ingredient, this mom's trick for cleaning dirty and dull slippers will make them shine

Keeping sandals dry and storing them in a clean and cool place can also prevent the growth of fungus or bacteria. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Just add 1 kitchen ingredient, this mom's trick for cleaning dirty and dull slippers will make them shine YouTube/Rumah Abecelo

Brilio.net - Slippers are a type of footwear that is popular because they are comfortable to wear. However, like other footwear, slippers are also susceptible to dirt and grime if worn continuously. Moisture, dust and dirt can accumulate on the surface of the sandals, making them look less attractive and uncomfortable to wear.

Caring for your slippers regularly is key to keeping them clean and looking good. Cleaning your sandals regularly using a soft brush, soapy water or special cleaning fluid can help remove dirt and odors. Apart from that, keeping sandals dry and storing them in a clean and cool place can also prevent the growth of fungus or bacteria.

Cleaning your slippers regularly can make this item always shine. However, if you find your slippers are dirty and dull, there are special materials and methods for cleaning them. A mother who owns the Abecelo House YouTube account once shared a trick for giving slippers to make them shine again.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Rumah Abecelo on Wednesday (1/5), the mothers admitted that they used simple ingredients, one of which came from the kitchen.

This trick for cleaning dirty and dull slippers makes them shine.

Well, the kitchen ingredient in question is dishwashing soap. Apart from that, he also uses bleach to clean dirty and dull slippers.

photo: YouTube/Abecelo House

First, mix bleach and dish soap in a small container. Then stir it using an old toothbrush. For maximum results, you don't need to mix these two ingredients with water anymore.

Next, apply this cleaning fluid to the surface of dirty sandals that are still dry (so don't rinse them first). While smearing it, rub it using an old toothbrush. Do this process evenly until all the dirt is completely gone.

photo: YouTube/Abecelo House

"You just need to brush it gently, don't be too rough because the material of the sandals is very soft. So you can't brush it carelessly. And you also have to use a soft brush so that the sandals don't get damaged or get holes," said YouTube Rumah Abecelo.

After brushing, leave it for a few moments so that the dirt falls off. Only then rinse with clean water and dry in the sun until dry. So, that way, the appearance of the slip-on sandals will be more shiny. Even the color of these sandals is white again, like new.

photo: YouTube/Abecelo House

This post about tricks for cleaning slippers immediately attracted attention and has been viewed more than 1,000 times. Who would have thought, many netizens were interested and also flooded the comments column with various responses. Most of these netizens admitted that this trick was very useful to practice.

"Wow, it's really new, thank you ma'am for the knowledge," said YouTube @wongdusun-ug9sd.

"Wow, dish soap is also very useful for cleaning sandals," explained YouTube @Amysekti.

"Wow, what a coincidence there are dirty sandals that haven't been washed yet... so I want to practice right away... thank you very much, bro, for the tutorial," said YouTube @dapoermamamimi.

"useful knowledge. May Allah give you blessings," said YouTube @myurit3444.

"So the sandals are shiny," said YouTube @BUNGA-tw4nh.

Tips for dealing with sandals that shrink and are too small.

Dealing with sandals that are wrinkled and too small can be quite an annoying problem. Here are some tips to solve the problem.

1. Use cleaning fluid and brush.

Clean the sandals with cleaning fluid and a soft brush to remove dirt and dust that might make the sandals wrinkle.

2. Don't use hot water.

Avoid washing sandals with hot water because it can cause the sandals to shrink.

3. Use a shoe enlarger.

If the sandals are too small, use a shoe enlarger available at a shoe store to enlarge the size of the sandals.

4. Use elastic rubber.

If your sandals are too small at the straps, add elastic to the straps to provide a little extra room.

5. Use thin socks.

If the sandals are too small in the footbed, try wearing thin socks to provide a little extra room.

6. Soak in cold water.

If the sandals are made from a material that is safe for soaking, soak the sandals in cold water for a few minutes to help restore their original shape.

7. Use the door opener.

If the front part of the sandal is wrinkled, use a door opener or other hard object to help restore its shape.

8. Store properly.

Store sandals in a place that is not exposed to heat or direct sunlight to prevent them from shrinking.

9. Choose appropriate sandals.

Avoid wearing sandals that are too small or too big for the size of your feet so that they don't experience problems with shrinking or being too small.

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