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27 Maret 2024 06:00

Instead of using coffee, here's a trick to get rid of the smell of garlic that sticks to your hands in 10 seconds

An easy way that can be put into practice straight away Nadhifah
Instead of using coffee, here's a trick to get rid of the smell of garlic that sticks to your hands in 10 seconds foto: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

Brilio.net - Garlic is a kitchen spice that is used in almost all dishes. Not without reason, this type of onion can really make dishes taste more savory and delicious. Not only that, the distinctive aroma of garlic can also increase appetite, you know.

After investigating, the distinctive aroma of garlic comes from the compound allicin. When this material is cut, this compound will react by releasing a strong aroma.

Not infrequently, the distinctive aroma of garlic sticks to your hands and is difficult to remove. Even though I have washed it repeatedly with soap, the smell of garlic still remains strong on my hands.

As a solution, a number of people deliberately sprinkle enough coffee on their hands. This drink is thought to be able to neutralize the smell of garlic by itself. Once evenly distributed, hands can be washed again with soap as usual. As a result, the smell of garlic disappears and nothing remains.

But if you don't want your coffee stock to go to waste, it turns out there are other ways you can get rid of the smell of garlic that sticks to your hands. The method was shared by Instagram user @ummubalqishaura. In his video upload, he admitted that this method was effective in getting rid of the smell of garlic on his hands in a short time, you know.

Tricks to get rid of the smell of garlic that sticks to your hands.

"It's really effective if you're in a hurry and don't have time to wash it with soap and water. In just 10 seconds, the smell will disappear instantly," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @ummubalqishaura on Tuesday (26/3).

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

Because he had just peeled and sliced garlic for cooking, this netizen's hands smelled strong. Instead of sprinkling coffee or washing your hands, this netizen admits that he has his own way to get rid of the smell of garlic on his hands.

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

To practice this method, you need to prepare stainless steel kitchen utensils. In his video upload, this netizen appears to be using a stainless steel glass and spoon. Then, rub your hands over the surface of the kitchen utensils.

photo: Instagram/@ummubalqishaura

Without needing to rub for too long, the smell of garlic disappears instantly, you know. Not without reason, as reported by jakartanotebook.com, the negative ion content in stainless steel kitchen utensils can eliminate odors.

Knowing this method, a number of netizens immediately caught netizens' attention. Since it was uploaded on February 4, this video has been played more than 10,000 times.

How to store garlic so it doesn't rot and lasts a long time.

You can store garlic in the right way to prevent rotting and extend its life. Here are several ways to store garlic so it doesn't rot and lasts a long time:

1. Store in a cool and dry place.

Store garlic in a cool, dry place, such as a storage room or kitchen cupboard that is not too humid.

2. Keep away from sunlight.

Avoid storing garlic in a place exposed to direct sunlight, because this can speed up the rotting process.

3. Don't store it in the refrigerator.

Although cold temperatures help prevent spoilage, garlic should not be stored in the refrigerator. Cold temperatures and high humidity in the refrigerator can promote the growth of frost, which can speed up the spoilage of garlic.

4. Store in an open container.

If possible, store garlic in an open or perforated container to increase air circulation around it.

5. Avoid storing it with fruit.

Garlic can absorb moisture and aromas from other fruits and vegetables, which can speed up spoilage. It's best to store garlic separately from other fruit and vegetables.

By following these steps, you can help extend the shelf life of your garlic and prevent it from spoiling.

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