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14 Februari 2024 17:00

Instead of steaming, this is a trick for cooking anointed vegetables so that the spices are absorbed, cooked perfectly and don't go stale quickly

Even though it looks easy, some people admit that they fail when making vegetable ointment at home. Nadhifah

Brilio.net - As a traditional food, vegetable ointment is often served at certain events. Not without reason, this menu really tastes delicious and fresh when eaten. To make it more filling, urap vegetables can be served with various other side dishes such as quail eggs or bacem tempeh.

Currently, finding anointed vegetables out there is quite difficult. Therefore, a number of people finally decided to make their own vegetable ointment at home. How to make it is fairly easy. Various types of vegetables that you want to use are usually steamed first until they are perfectly cooked. If so, just sprinkle the steamed vegetables with ointment seasoning consisting of ground spices and grated coconut.

Even though it looks easy, some people admit that they fail when making vegetable ointment at home. Yes, sometimes the ointment seasoning doesn't penetrate completely into the steamed vegetables. Not to mention, anointed vegetables don't last long when served. In just a matter of hours, the taste of the vegetable ointment becomes sour because it is stale.

Investigate this, this can be avoided if you make vegetable anointing in the right way. A netizen with the YouTube account name DAPUR TEH WIWIN showed a tutorial on making vegetable anointing so that the spices are absorbed, cooked perfectly and don't go stale quickly.

First, wash and then cut the various types of vegetables that will be used. In the video, the vegetables used are long beans , spinach, carrots, cabbage and bean sprouts. If so, collect the vegetables in one container.


Instead of steaming it, this netizen actually boiled all the vegetables. According to him, this method makes the vegetables really perfectly cooked when served. You don't need to boil it for too long, so that the nutrients in the vegetables don't disappear.

"Stir, lift, then drain," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube DAPUR TEH WIWIN on Wednesday (14/2).


On the other hand, prepare the anointing spices. Grind 2 cm of galangal, 3 bird's eye chilies, 4 cloves of garlic, 1.2 pieces of shrimp paste, 2 lime leaves and 8 cloves of shallots. Once done, saute the ground spices until cooked and the aroma comes out.


Once you smell the fragrant aroma, add the grated coconut, stir until evenly mixed. To make it tastier, don't forget to add 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon sugar. If the ointment seasoning has dried, add the boiled vegetables to the pan. This process aims to remove the remaining water content in the vegetables. As a result, the anointed vegetables don't go stale quickly when served. Turn off the stove heat then serve the vegetable ointment on a plate.


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