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13 Desember 2024 05:00

Instead of soaking them in bleach, here's a trick to clean stubborn crust on old plates using 2 ingredients

Using bleach can cause side effects. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Instead of soaking them in bleach, here's a trick to clean stubborn crust on old plates using 2 ingredients YouTube/my asisten

Brilio.net - Plates are cutlery that function not only to enjoy food, but can also be used as a base for cooking and other snacks. However, over time, plates can become dull and look dirty. This can happen due to many factors, such as scratches or dirt that is still stuck when the plate has been washed. If left too long, the dirt can form a crust that is difficult to clean.

One way that is often done to overcome this problem is to soak the plate in bleach. Bleach is believed to be effective in removing stubborn crust on the surface of the plate. However, the use of bleach can also cause side effects. The chemicals contained in bleach can stick to the plate and potentially contaminate the food placed on it.

To be safer, there are other alternatives that can be used, such as those done by a YouTube user named my assistant. The user only uses two simple ingredients without bleach to clean the dishes.

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube my asisten on Wednesday (11/12), the ingredients needed are dishwashing soap and toothpaste.

photo: YouTube/my assistant

First, wet the plate with clean water. Then mix dish soap and toothpaste in one container. Stir until well mixed.

photo: YouTube/my assistant

Next, directly apply the mixture to the dirty plate surface. Then scrub using a dishwashing sponge. For parts that are crusty and full of stubborn stains, scrub the part harder. Do this process until all the crust and stains are completely removed.

photo: YouTube/my assistant

If the crust has lifted, rinse the plate until clean. After that, dry it using a clean cloth. Well, old dishes that are dull and crusty will look cleaner.

The condition of the white and clean plate is certainly more comfortable to use. In addition, the plate is also safe to use because it is not exposed to strong chemicals such as in bleach. That way, the food placed on the plate is also more hygienic and healthy to consume.

photo: YouTube/my assistant

This upload by YouTube user my asisten has been viewed more than 808 times. Among those viewers, there are a number of netizens who responded directly in the comments column.

"It's really useful because most white plates turn yellow when stacked for too long," said YouTuber Nur Aini.

"Wow, it will immediately become a parent's dream if it's like this," said YouTuber Putri Mileniawati.

"This is so awesome, my appetite is getting bigger," said YouTube Yunuz Official.

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