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7 Februari 2024 21:00

Instead of soaking it overnight, this woman's trick for de-scaling rice is quicker without scuffing the pan

It's immediately clean and can be used again immediately. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
foto: TikTok/@hypnotic_love

Brilio.net - The extent of rice fields in Indonesia shows the people's dependence on rice or rice. In this agricultural country, rice is one of the staple foods consumed every day. It is not surprising then that rice and Indonesian society seem to have become an inseparable pair.

Indeed, basically, rice is a source of carbohydrates that the body needs. Not without reason, rice has quite high calories which can provide energy for the body if consumed. This makes rice often chosen as the main daily menu.

So, to cook rice , most people usually use an electronic device in the form of a rice cooker. However, there are also those who cook rice manually from a pan. These two methods can be practical to produce fluffy and delicious rice.

However, cooking rice using this method also has its own effects. Usually, rice that is cooked with the wrong amount of water can become crusty or even dry at the bottom. This often happens when rice is cooked in a rice cooker or ordinary pan.

Well, this rice crust has a hard texture, making it difficult to clean. Most people will usually brush them vigorously or soak them in water overnight. Even though in the end the rice crust can be removed, it takes a long and difficult process.

Instead, you can use a trick shared by the woman who owns the TikTok account @hypnotic_love. Through one of the uploaded videos, this woman admitted that she could speed up the process of cleaning rice crust . And not only is it fast, this trick also makes it easy to remove the crust without brushing it and making the pan scuff.

photo: TikTok/@hypnotic_love

Reported by BrilioFood on Wednesday (7/2), the first thing to do is pour water into the pan. Make sure the water soaks the entire surface of the hard rice crust. After that, also add enough dish soap.

photo: TikTok/@hypnotic_love

Next, move the pan to the stove. Then boil until the water boils. Now, when boiled, the hard crust will slowly start to soften. At this stage, you can rub the rice crust with a spatula to lift it further.

photo: TikTok/@hypnotic_love

After the water boils, the rice crust will lift even more perfectly. Then you can turn off the stove fire. Then throw away the water and the rice crust that has been lifted. Next, this pan can be washed as usual with a sponge and dish soap.

In the video, he washes an ordinary pan used when cooking rice. But basically, this trick can also be practiced in a rice cooker pan or inner pot. The reason is, both inner pots and regular pans also have the potential to cause rice crusting if the water dosage is not right or even if the rice is heated continuously, so that it sticks and becomes crusty.

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