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1 November 2024 06:00

Instead of filtering it directly, here's how to clear cooking oil from the remaining fine flour

The filtering results can be reused. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Instead of filtering it directly, here's how to clear cooking oil from the remaining fine flour YouTube/SiKENYALTHEAA RCM

Brilio.net - Processing food with flour as the basic ingredient is a practical cooking method. The use of hot oil in sufficient quantities will produce a crispy and crunchy flour texture. The crunchy sensation when eating fried foods made from flour is a special attraction for many people.

The process of frying flour-based foods often leaves flour residue that contaminates the oil. The fine and soft texture of the flour crumbs is difficult to clean with regular filtering. Cleaning the oil from the remaining flour takes a long time because it has to wait for the sediment in the pan before being transferred to another container.

A practical solution to filter oil from flour has been shared by a fried food seller through the YouTube channel SiKENYALTHEAA RCM. The method shown does not take long in the process. The results of filtering oil using this technique produce very clean oil.

"Instantly clean!! How to clean oil from flour residue," said YouTube SiKENYALTHEAA RCM.

As reported by BrilioFood on YouTube SiKENYALTHEAA on Thursday (10/31), according to the fried food seller, oil containing fine flour only needs to be cooled first. After the oil is cold, pour in enough water.


Then turn on the heat and let the oil heat by itself (without needing to stir). The water mixture will make the oil explode and the flour, which was originally fine, will become rougher and more textured. In the video, the flour which is starting to become coarse floats by itself.


When there are no more explosions, turn off the heat. After that, strain the flour that is starting to get coarse using a small sieve. That way, the flour becomes cleaner and can be used again for frying.


This video about the trick of cleaning oil from flour residue immediately went viral on YouTube. Among the more than 100 thousand viewers, there were 1.1 thousand YouTube users who liked the video.

"Cool, thanks for sharing," said YouTube MAMI EKA.

"Wow, how come... I can practice this. Thanks for the tips," said YouTuber Iis Sholihah.

"Thanks, I'll try," said YouTube ANIK SURYANI.

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