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6 Desember 2024 15:00

How to whiten dirty floor cloth with 3 kitchen ingredients, no baking soda needed

If baking soda is not available at home, don't worry because there are still other ingredients that can be used. Brilio.net
How to whiten dirty floor cloth with 3 kitchen ingredients, no baking soda needed foto: YouTube/Dina Kurniawati

Brilio.net - Mopping the floor is often considered a tiring household task. However, after mopping, the house will feel more spacious and comfortable because the floor is clean and shiny. Mopping activities can be done daily, weekly, or even monthly, depending on the needs.

Floor mops are usually made of materials that can absorb water and lift dirt effectively. However, the more often used, the mop will quickly look dull and dirty due to exposure to stains. A mop that has turned black is indeed difficult to return to its original white color.

However, it does not mean that a dull mop cannot be cleaned again. There are several ingredients, both special cleaners and kitchen ingredients, that can be used to clean mops, such as baking soda. However, if baking soda is not available at home, don't worry because there are still other ingredients that can be used.

Well, one netizen on the YouTube account Dina Kurniawati has a trick to whiten a mop using three additional kitchen ingredients. She admitted that her mop is often used to clean oily kitchen floors, so the mop is already very dirty. Even so, with this trick, her mop can be shiny again.

First, prepare a bucket to soak the mop. Then, fill the bucket with bleach. Next, add the kitchen ingredients, namely micin, citric acid, and hot water that has just boiled. Then, soak the mop for about 20 to 30 minutes.

"I ignored it for quite a long time, because the stain was really stubborn," said the netizen familiarly called Dina, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Dina Kurniawati on Friday (6/12).

photo: YouTube/Dina Kurniawati

After soaking, brush the mop so that the stains fade . Dina explained, when brushing, the mop can be added with detergent or dish soap. After brushing, just rinse the mop with running water until there is no more soap left.

Well, if the dirt on your mop is not too thick, the cleaning trick may be enough to stop here. However, it's a different story if your mop is very dirty like Dina's, you can continue the cleaning process one more time.

photo: YouTube/Dina Kurniawati

This time, Dina did not soak her mop with bleach anymore, but only used detergent, MSG, and citric acid. Then, add hot water again and soak for the same time, which is about 20 to 30 minutes. Once soaked, the mop can be brushed again until it is completely clean. Once clean, rinse and dry the mop in the sun until dry. Guaranteed, the dirty mop can be white again.

photo: YouTube/Dina Kurniawati

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