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9 November 2024 08:30

How to wash low-quality rice to make it whiter and less musty with 2 kitchen ingredients

So that when it is cooked it will still be delicious to eat. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
How to wash low-quality rice to make it whiter and less musty with 2 kitchen ingredients YouTube/yulfin belwawin

Brilio.net - Rice is a staple food for the community. Among the various types of rice, white rice is the most often chosen for consumption. In addition to being easy to get, white rice has a soft and slightly sweet taste. However, in the market, the price of white rice varies, usually determined by its quality. The better the shape, taste, texture, and aroma, white rice is sold at a higher price than other types of rice. Conversely, low-quality rice is usually sold at a cheaper price and tends to be less delicious.

The aroma of low-quality rice is more musty and not as sticky as medium or premium quality rice . Although considered of lower quality, this rice can actually be cooked into a delicious dish. There are tricks that can be done to make the rice more delicious when eaten.

A YouTube user, Yulfin Belwawin, once explained further in one of his videos. The main thing to pay attention to is the rice washing process. In the video, Yulfin mentioned that he uses several kitchen ingredients to make his rice taste better when cooked. These ingredients also make the rice more fragrant and whiter in color.

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube yulfin belwawin on Saturday (11/9), the kitchen ingredients used are salt and lemon. The method is to simply prepare the rice to be cooked in a container. You can use a rice cooker pan as a container for washing rice.

photo: YouTube/yulfin belwawin

After that, add salt and lemon juice to taste. If so, add water and knead the rice. After that, throw away the washing water and refill it with new water. Do this washing process up to 3-4 times.

photo: YouTube/yulfin belwawin

Basically, salt has an abrasive. When rubbed with rice, salt will help grind the surface of the rice little by little. Well, this is what then makes the rice whiter after washing. On the other hand, the use of lemon will make the rice more fragrant and not smell musty.

photo: YouTube/yulfin belwawin

After being washed four times, the rice does look whiter and cleaner than before. This indicates that salt and lemon water are very effective in improving the quality of rice. That way, the rice can be cooked directly as usual in a rice cooker.

"It was a bit black, more dirty. But after I washed it, it was cleaner and shinier than the first time," said YouTuber Yulfin Belwawin.

photo: YouTube/yulfin belwawin

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