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15 Juli 2024 02:29

How to make Medan style boiled noodles, thick and super tasty sauce

The texture is also thick, almost similar to Wonosobo's typical ongklok noodles Nadhifah
How to make Medan style boiled noodles, thick and super tasty sauce foto: Instagram/@hilmi_fitriani87

Brilio.net - Medan boiled noodles have a yellow-brown sauce. The texture is also thick, almost similar to Wonosobo's typical ongklok noodles. This is what makes the taste even more delicious.

The following is a recipe for typical Medan boiled noodles that BrilioFood reported from Instagram @hilmi_fitriani87.

photo: Instagram/@hilmi_fitriani87

- 1 1/2 liters of water
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 star anise flower
- 3 cardamom pods
- 1 cinnamon stick
- Brown sugar to taste
- Sugar and salt to taste
- Yellow noodles, dip in warm water

Ground spices:
- 2 tablespoons rebon or kecepe
- 10 red onion cloves
- 2 cloves of garlic
- Curly and cayenne peppers, according to taste

- 5 tablespoons wheat flour
- 2 tablespoons tapioca flour
- 150 ml of water

- Fried white tofu
- Bean sprouts
- Boiled potato
- Boiled eggs
- Chilli sauce
- Celery leaves
- Fried onions
- Lime
- Shrimp crisp

How to make:
1. Saute the ground spices in a little oil until fragrant.
2. In a saucepan, add water, bay leaves, brown sugar, star anise, cardamom, cinnamon.
3. After the water boils, add the ground spices, add salt and sugar.
4. Stir, taste. Once it feels right, add the thickener while filtering.
5. Stir until completely thickened, turn off the stove.
6. Prepare a plate, arrange the noodles, bean sprouts, tofu, eggs, pour over the sauce. Add celery leaves, fried onions and lime.

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