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9 November 2024 15:30

How to change cloudy and dull glasses to be clear again like new, just use 2 simple ingredients

The combination of these two simple ingredients can be a very powerful cleaner for removing stains. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
How to change cloudy and dull glasses to be clear again like new, just use 2 simple ingredients foto: Instagram/@nurulkomariah3112

Brilio.net - Glass cups that are often used as everyday drink containers often change their appearance. Glasses that were originally clear white can become cloudy and dull over time. In addition to making the glass less aesthetic when served, these cloudy stains can also affect the taste of the drink poured into the glass.

The main cause of glass becoming cloudy is usually related to the buildup of minerals from water, soap residue or even beverages such as coffee and tea that are difficult to remove. Repeated use of the glass in various temperature conditions also accelerates its appearance to become increasingly cloudy. In addition, contact with harsh chemicals or rough brushes when washing can also scratch the surface of the glass, making it more susceptible to residue buildup.

But don't worry. Even though the glass looks cloudy, there are several effective ways to restore its clarity. If you are confused, you can use a simple method like the one used by Instagram user @nurulkomariah3112. Through one of the videos uploaded, she admitted to only using two simple ingredients to restore the shine of the glass that had become cloudy.

As reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @nurulkomariah3112 on Friday (8/11), the simple ingredients in question are citric acid and dishwashing soap. These two ingredients are a very effective cleaning combination for removing stains. This includes stubborn stains that make glass glasses dull.

photo: Instagram/@nurulkomariah3112

Then to clean it, you just put the glass in a basin or wide bucket. After that, put enough citric acid and dish soap into the glass. If so, pour hot water and stir until all the ingredients are completely dissolved.

photo: Instagram/@nurulkomariah3112

Next, soak for about 10 minutes or until the water temperature starts to cool. The soaking process allows the mixture of hot water, citric acid, and dish soap to work optimally, penetrating stains and residue, so that the glass is clear and shiny again.

photo: Instagram/@nurulkomariah3112

Now, if it has been soaked, immediately rub the glass using a dishwashing sponge. Then rinse until completely clean under running water. That way, the cleaned glass will look clearer than before. For maximum results, it is best to dry the glass first before storing or reusing it.

Basically, soaking glass in hot water, citric acid, and dish soap is very effective in restoring the clarity and shine of cloudy glass. Hot water helps dissolve and loosen residue that sticks to the glass surface. High temperatures can speed up the process of dissolving fat and beverage residue that is difficult to remove with plain water. In addition, hot water also increases the effectiveness of the cleaning agent used, so that dirt and stains can be lifted more easily.

Meanwhile, citric acid can dissolve mineral deposits such as calcium and magnesium that often cause glass to become cloudy. In addition, dish soap functions to emulsify oil and grease, as well as lift food and drink residues that stick to the glass. The combination of dish soap with hot water and citric acid produces a powerful cleaning mixture to remove various types of dirt and residue that cause glass to become dull.

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