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2 Agustus 2024 17:00

Helping the immune system grow strong, here are 9 foods that are good for children after the polio vaccine

Also pay attention to specific instructions from health workers. Nadhifah

Brilio.net - The polio vaccine is given to prevent poliomyelitis (polio). This vaccine contains weakened polio virus. This weakened virus will stimulate the child's immune system to produce antibodies against the polio virus.

Apart from preventing polio, this vaccine can also increase community immunity (herd immunity) against polio.

Even so, the polio vaccine has several mild side effects that will be felt after the injection. These include pain or swelling at the injection site, mild fever, fussiness or crying easily, and temporary loss of appetite.

As a solution, you can give your child food that is full of nutrients so that their immune system remains strong. That way, the side effects of the polio vaccine will not be felt for a long time. The following BrilioFood reports from various sources, 9 foods that are good for children after the polio vaccine so that the immune system grows strong, Thursday (2/8).

1. Fruits are rich in vitamin C.

photo: pexels.com

Fruits rich in vitamin C such as oranges, kiwi, strawberries and papaya can be consumed by children after being injected with the polio vaccine. The reason is, the vitamin C content can protect white blood cells from damage caused by free radicals. Not only that, vitamin C can also maintain the integrity of cell membranes, including immune cells.

2. Green vegetables.

Green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, kale are rich in vitamins A, C and E which support the immune system. Therefore, various types of green vegetables can be processed into soup, stir-fry, or blended into a smoothie and then consumed by children after being vaccinated against polio.

3. Probiotic yogurt.

Probiotic yogurt contains good bacteria that can support gut health. If the gut is healthy, it will support the immune system. Intestinal cells and good bacteria produce compounds that can kill or inhibit the growth of pathogens. But make sure you choose yogurt without added sweeteners, OK? To get a sweet taste, you can add fresh fruit.

4. Fatty fish.

photo: pexels.com

Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel are high in omega-3. This content is thought to help reduce inflammation. These various types of fish can be processed using various techniques. Starting from grilled, steamed, or made into fish cakes.

5. Nuts and seeds.

Nuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds are sources of vitamin E, zinc and healthy fatty acids. This content is thought to help maintain the integrity of cell membranes, including immune cells.

You can consume it in various ways. Started as a snack or added to oatmeal.

6. Garlic.

photo: pexels.com

It is common knowledge that garlic has antiviral and antibacterial properties. This content can increase the production of white blood cells. You can add onions to cooking or make garlic soup.

7. Lean meat.

Lean meat is a source of high quality protein and zinc. Where zinc is important for the development and function of immune cells. Therefore, make sure you give your child various processed lean meats after being injected with the polio vaccine, OK?
Lean meat can be served in various forms, such as soup, stir-fry, or grilled.

8. Mushrooms.

photo: pexels.com

Various types of mushrooms are rich in selenium which supports the immune system. This content can increase the production and activity of white blood cells. You can process mushrooms in various ways. Start sauted, made into soup, or added to omelets.

9. Honey.

This particular honey should only be given to children over 1 year old. Honey can be given to children to help relieve coughs and sore throats. The reason is, honey has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. You can add honey to warm tea or oatmeal.

Is it permissible to drink milk after polio immunization?

In general, drinking milk after polio immunization is permitted and safe. In fact, milk is a good source of calcium and protein, and can help maintain the immune system. If the child does not have problems with milk, this drink can be given to the child after immunization.

For babies who are still breastfeeding, breast milk can be given immediately after immunization. For older children, cow's milk or other milk alternatives can be given as usual.

Making sure your child stays hydrated after immunization is important. If the child refuses milk, water or other fluids can be an alternative.

In conclusion, in most cases, consuming milk after polio immunization is not a problem. However, always pay attention to specific instructions from health workers and the child's individual response to immunization.

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