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24 Juli 2016 07:12

Ever wanted to eat out of a toilet? Now you can!

Café Jamban makes Indonesia just the fourth nation to boast such a cafe - after Taiwan, China and Russia. Sahil Nathani
Ever wanted to eat out of a toilet? Now you can! Image source: The Jakarta Post

Brilio.net/en - Picture yourself sitting on the loo, but for a different reason altogether. Imagine being seated in some caf, where the toilet bowl stores brown bakso meatball soup, and a poop-shaped ice cream for dessert awaiting you. You know where this is going

As disgusting as it sounds, this is absolutely real! Caf Jamban (toilet) has opened its doors in Semarang, Central Java, and is ready to give you one hell of a toilet experience!

5 Food Stalls Balance Between Charity and Business

Image viaInstagram/@folhadespaulo

You may wonder why someone would want to open a toilet caf? Well, you need to know the owner first.

This is the “highest” stall in Indonesia

53-year old Budi Laksono learned how important hygienic toilets are for peoples health while he was studying medicine. He went on to specialize in reproductive health, but in 2013, he was inspired by a toilet museum he came across in South Korea. The museum was aimed at encouraging healthy lifestyles.

Image source:Budi Laksonos Facebook page

Image source:Budi Laksonos Facebook page

Budi took action, launching his very own toilet caf three months ago. He says he hopes Jamban will help promote proper sanitation because at this point, 94 million people still defecate openly, which means that around 38 percent of population do not have toilets, he said.

While Budis innovation has sparked plenty of reactions, hes just happy because it aims to highlight the importance of a toilet.

Budi believes that with time and patience, he can spread this knowledge to humanity.

Budi Laksono on the Kick Andy show (Image via Your Facebook Clip)

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