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16 Maret 2024 03:30

Don't just wash it, here's a trick for processing grass jelly to make it coarser, chewier and less smelly

Without adding any ingredients, this trick can make the grass jelly more firm, chewy and odorless. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani
Don't just wash it, here's a trick for processing grass jelly to make it coarser, chewier and less smelly foto: YouTube/Dapur Endah Reni

Brilio.net - Grass jelly is a food that has a chewy and soft texture. Grass jelly is divided into two types, namely green grass jelly and black grass jelly. Green grass jelly is made from the juice of grass jelly leaves, while black grass jelly is made from janggelan leaves.

Black grass jelly is widely used as a mixture for various drinks, from mixed ice to coconut ice. The delicious taste combined with cold ice is very suitable to eat in hot weather. Apart from that, black grass jelly is also suitable as a complementary ingredient for drinks to break the fast .

Before eating, grass jelly is usually washed thoroughly first, then cut according to taste. But even though it has been washed thoroughly, it is not uncommon for grass jelly to still be a little slimy and smelly.

So, to overcome this, a netizen on the Dapur Endah Reni YouTube account has a solution. He admits that he has other tricks for processing grass jelly to make it coarser, chewier and less smelly. He shared this trick in one of the videos uploaded to his personal YouTube channel.

"I want to share tips on how to prepare grass jelly so that it doesn't smell and become slimy when eaten," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from the Dapur Endah Reni YouTube channel on Friday (15/3).

photo: YouTube/Endah Reni's Kitchen

Initially, he washed the grass jelly first with water until it was really clean. Next, cut the grass jelly into cubes. The YouTube user also prepared a pan and boiled water until it boiled. After boiling, add the diced grass jelly.

"We just boil it until it boils once. Don't forget to stir it so that the boiled water doesn't overflow," he explained.

photo: YouTube/Endah Reni's Kitchen

Once boiling, turn off the heat and drain the grass jelly. The YouTube user appeared to throw away the water used to boil the grass jelly. On the other hand, he has also prepared boiled water to rinse the grass jelly. This rinsing process is not only to remove remaining mucus, but also to stop the cooking process in the grass jelly.

photo: YouTube/Endah Reni's Kitchen

After rinsing, drain the grass jelly again and now it is ready to be used as a mixture for various drinks. Apart from processing it straight away, you can also store the boiled grass jelly in a container to stock at home . Don't forget to store the grass jelly in the refrigerator.

"This is the result, we can use grass jelly that is coarse, chewy and odorless," he concluded.

How? Are you interested in trying this trick for processing grass jelly? Judging from the YouTube user's upload, many netizens provided their responses via the comments column. This video has also been watched 14 thousand times, you know.

"It turns out the recipe is the same...I boiled the grass jelly for a while, filtered it and washed it again...the musty smell of grass jelly definitely doesn't smell...Sweet greetings...always be healthy," said the account @rosaliapartini7118.

"Thank you for the tips, sis endah," wrote the account @nanimawarti8843.

"Okay, thanks," commented the account @mamaika2934.

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