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15 November 2024 22:00

Don't just pack it, here are some tricks for storing ground beef so it doesn't turn black for months.

Stay durable and anti-rot. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Don't just pack it, here are some tricks for storing ground beef so it doesn't turn black for months. YouTube/Mr HeSmart

Brilio.net - Ground beef can be processed into various delicious dishes such as perkedel with a mixture of potatoes and fine spices. This food ingredient is also suitable for use in making stir-fried vegetables, risol, meatballs, and pasta sauce. The variety of menus from ground beef makes it a versatile cooking ingredient.

The high demand for ground beef encourages people to buy in large quantities for supplies. Storing ground beef requires a special method to maintain its quality. The shelf life of ground beef is lower than that of whole beef.

The process of spoilage in ground beef is marked by a change in color to blackish. This color change indicates a decrease in the quality of the meat. Consuming meat that has changed color can pose a risk of food poisoning.

Ground beef spoilage prevention can be done through proper storage methods. Ground beef purchased from markets or supermarkets is usually well packaged. Grinding meat independently requires special steps to prevent discoloration.

A YouTube content creator named Mr HeSmart introduced a technique for storing ground beef. The storage method shared can maintain the freshness of the meat. The technique is effective in preventing discoloration of ground beef.

"Usually we often store ground beef in the freezer for not too long, the meat will turn black," explained YouTube Mr HeSmart.

As reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Mr HeSmart on Thursday (11/14), ground meat can be placed in a container. In supermarkets, ground meat is usually placed on a styrofoam base and then wrapped in plastic wrap. However, if you want to store it for personal consumption, you can put it in an airtight container.

photo: YouTube/Mr HeSmart

To be more practical, it is better to pack meat for one portion or one meal. This will facilitate the defrosting process (thawing meat) stored in the freezer. In addition, the remaining meat that has not been used is also more hygienic because it is not contaminated.

After the meat is placed in the container, don't close it immediately. According to YouTube owner Mr HeSmart, packing or closing the meat container directly will only speed up the rot and make the color turn black.

photo: YouTube/Mr HeSmart

So to be safer, put the ground beef in the freezer first in an open condition. This will make the surface of the ground beef dry and not easily rotten because it is too soft. Let it sit for 15-30 minutes only.

photo: YouTube/Mr HeSmart

Once the texture starts to harden and dry, then pack the container. If using Styrofoam, you can pack the ground beef with plastic wrap. If using an airtight container, you can close it tightly. That way, the ground beef will last and not easily change color for months.

The video has received more than a thousand views. Peeking into the comments section, a number of viewers claimed to have received good information after watching the video.

"nice info," said YouTube EL Kids Channel.

"Thanks for the info," said YouTube Hobby Ku.

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