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15 Juli 2024 21:00

Bule is going to process petai into western cuisine, netizens who see auto shik shak shok

Not a stir-fry or chili sauce menu~ Shahfara Raida

Brilio.net - Petai is often found in Asia, including Indonesia. This food ingredient is often cooked as a stir-fry with balado spices, a topping for fried rice, or a mixture of liwet rice. Even though petai dishes are popular, many people still avoid them because they don't like the distinctive smell of petai, you know.

However, what happens if petai is cooked into another menu that is not typical of Indonesian dishes at all, right? Well, one of the netizens using the TikTok account @simplegreensoul had time to practice it. This foreigner recently shared a food recipe made from petai.

photo: TikTok/@simplegreensoul

This video belonging to a foreigner who is familiarly called Georgia has gone viral, since it was uploaded 4 days ago on Thursday (11/7), it has been watched more than 1 million times. Instead of being an Indonesian menu, he transformed the petai into a western dish.

photo: TikTok/@simplegreensoul

Georgia originally weeded its petals first. In fact, he knows tricks about preparing petai before cooking, you know. Split the petals first to see if there are any caterpillars in them.

"Luckily, it just happened to be that only one bean had worms inside," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @simplegreensoul on Monday (15/7).

After splitting it, he steamed the petai so that the texture was softer. Then after lifting it, he cut the petai into smaller pieces.

photo: TikTok/@simplegreensoul

Next, he mixed the pieces of petai into a mixture of avocado, lime juice and spices. Yup, you read that right, Georgia actually mixes her petai with avocado, because she will use these ingredients as a sandwich filling.

photo: TikTok/@simplegreensoul

After the petai and all the other ingredients were mixed well, he then placed it as a filling for the bread. He nicknamed this dish "smashed avocado and petai sandwich". So, can you imagine how this dish tastes?

Georgia admits that she likes the sandwiches she makes. According to him, petai and bread are suitable to be eaten together.

However, peeking at the comments column, quite a few netizens seemed to shudder when they saw this dish. The reason is, petai is considered unsuitable to eat with bread, let alone mixed with avocado.

"I guarantee it doesn't taste good, you can imagine tamarind avocado eaten with bread, added with petai," said TikTok @.

"I'm ready to teach you how to eat pete beans mixed with avocado," complained TikTok @Yuknow.


"oh my, petai should be paired with (must be paired with) sambal as a lalapan," added TikTok @bangg chitty bangggggg.

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