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25 April 2024 15:00

An easy trick to make dull and rusty scissors sharp again, just add 2 kitchen ingredients

So that scissors are more comfortable and smooth to use. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani
An easy trick to make dull and rusty scissors sharp again, just add 2 kitchen ingredients foto: Instagram/@luthfianisahan

Brilio.net - Scissors are a cutting tool that is widely needed for various purposes. Usually this tool is used to cut cloth, paper, thread and even food. However, with use, the blades on scissors can become dull over time.

Not only that, scissors can also rust if stored in wet or damp conditions. If this is the case, scissors are often considered unfit to be used. A number of people also choose to throw away blunt and rusty scissors. Even though the scissors can still be sharpened again, you know.

Usually the way to sharpen scissors is by sharpening them. But it's different from netizens on the Instagram account @luthfianisahan. Not just sharpening, he admits he has other tricks so that blunt and rusty scissors can be clean and sharp again. He also relied on 2 ingredients from the kitchen to clean it.

"Before knowing this method, if there were scissors that were dirty, I always threw them away, thinking they were no longer suitable for use. It turns out there is a way to clean them, as well as make the scissors sharp again," he wrote, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @luthfianisahan on Thursday (25/4 ).

How to make dull and rusty scissors sharp again.

photo: Instagram/@luthfianisahan

The kitchen ingredients in question are salt and vinegar. Apart from that, he also uses detergent and hot water. First, prepare a container to soak dull and rusty scissors. After that, put salt, detergent, vinegar and hot water into the container. Insert the scissors to be cleaned.

"Then the scissors were soaked for 15 minutes, " explained the Instagram user.

photo: Instagram/@luthfianisahan

After soaking for 15 minutes, the Instagram user gently rubbed the scissors with a dishwashing sponge to remove rust stains on the blades. If so, rinse the scissors again until they are clean.

photo: Instagram/@luthfianisahan

Next, the Instagram user prepared a glass bottle. Then the scissors that have been washed are rubbed against the glass bottle.

"After that, rub it against a glass bottle so that the scissors can be sharp again, " he added.

After rubbing it against the glass, the scissors became sharp again. The Instagram user tried to use the scissors to cut plastic. As a result, the plastic was immediately cut, indicating that the scissors could be used again.

So, for those of you who have blunt and rusty scissors, you can try this trick. Easy enough, right?

Because the method is quite easy and practical, quite a few netizens are interested in trying this trick. Many gave their responses via the comments column.

"You have to try this. So you don't get a pile of blunt scissors," said the account @dear04viki.

"Just when it appeared, I was looking for a way to remove rust from scissors, " commented the account @ikenkirana.

"I want to try it, thanks for the useful tips," wrote the account @healthwithayu.

How to care for scissors so they don't rust easily.

To care for scissors so they don't rust easily, you can follow the following tips:

1. Dry properly.

After use or cleaning, make sure the scissors are completely dry before storing. Use a clean, dry cloth to dry it.

2. Avoid contact with water.

Make sure the scissors are not exposed to water or excessive humidity too often. If it comes into contact with water, dry it immediately.

3. Save properly.

Store scissors in a dry place protected from damp air. You can also add silica gel sachets to the scissors storage area to absorb moisture.

4. Use lubricant.

Periodically, you can use special lubricant or vegetable oil to lubricate the moving parts of the scissors. This helps prevent rust and maintain the performance of the scissors.

5. Avoid contact with chemicals.

Do not expose scissors to chemicals that could damage the protective coating or cause corrosion.

6. Use it correctly.

Use scissors only for appropriate purposes and avoid cutting objects that could damage or scratch the surface of the scissors.

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