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7 Januari 2016 16:36

Watch FOB feat. Demi Lovato parodying NSYNC’s ‘It’s Gonna Be Me’

Featuring Demi Lovato, the boys make another version of “Irresistible” clip and it’s so damn cool! Tunggul Kumoro
Watch FOB feat. Demi Lovato parodying NSYNC’s ‘It’s Gonna Be Me’

Brilio.net/en - Anyone of you still remember NSYNCs iconic Its Gonna Be Me video released in 2000? The one where Justin Timberlake and company dance around as a dollin a toy store?

Well, letsassume that all of you are the 90s kids because Fall Out Boy has released a video parodying the NSYNCs Its Gonna Be Me with the special appearances of former NSYNC members, Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick also Wayne Isham, the man who directed the original.

Featuring Demi Lovato, the boys make another version of Irresistible clip and its so damn cool!

Just like Justin Timberlake and the gang, the FOB dolls broke out of their box and played on the display rack as Lovato and Joey watched. Well, just watch the mind-blowing video below, take a look how the american rock band spoof the Its Gonna Be Me video!

In case you dont remember, here is the original clip by NSYNC.

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