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22 Juni 2024 18:00

Using foundation of almost IDR 1 million, this is the daily makeup tutorial for the role of Rani in the film Ipar Is Maut

Davina uses Dior foundation thinly so that the result is not too putty. Anindya Kurnia
Using foundation of almost IDR 1 million, this is the daily makeup tutorial for the role of Rani in the film Ipar Is Maut foto: Instagram/@iparadalahmautmovie; Instagram/@davinaakaramoy

Brilio.net - Davina Karamoy 's name has recently become famous thanks to playing the character Rani in the film "I-in-law is Death". Davina Karamoy managed to amaze the audience with her total role as the antagonist in the story.

But on the other hand, his charming appearance also succeeded in stealing attention. It's not surprising that he often gets compliments when he uploads his portraits on his personal Instagram.

Her beautiful charm increases thanks to the makeup she always wears. Her make-up looks flawless and natural. It turns out the secret is the high-end products he uses. As he recently shared via reels on his personal Instagram @davinaakaramoy.

In her upload, Davina shared daily makeup tutorials using various high-end products. One of them is the Dior foundation which is priced at almost IDR 1 million. The results are truly flawless and charming. Come on, take a look at the following tutorial, which briliobeauty.net reported from the Instagram account @davinaakaramoy, Friday (21/6).

photo: Instagram/@davinaakaramoy

Before starting to put on make-up, Davina sprays some kind of face mist or setting spray to make her face more moisturized. After that, Davina continued by applying concealer to several parts of her face. This was done to cover various blemishes on his face. Davina evens out the concealer using a beauty blender.

Furthermore, Davina uses Dior foundation thinly so that the results are not too putty. He also used a beauty blender to even it out. After that, Davina contoured the cheekbones, nose and jaw to make her face more dimensional.

Then, she applied a thin layer of cream blush on her apple cheek area. Instead of using a brush or beauty blender, Davina evened it out using her fingers so it didn't block. Moving on to the eyebrows, Davina uses eyebrow gel to tidy up the eyebrows.

photo: Instagram/@davinaakaramoy

To make her eyes look more lively and her makeup fresh, Davina applied gold glitter eyeshadow. He also added a little brown eyeshadow to make it more colorful.

In the next second, Davina uses brown eyeliner lightly. Then, start setting the complexion using loose powder. He uses a baking technique, namely in the area under the eyes, forehead and jaw line area only.

Don't forget Davina added blush on powder to add a fresh impression to her face. Then, spray setting spray so that the makeup blends better and lasts longer. After the setting spray has been absorbed, the Rani actress applies highlighter to several areas of her face such as her cheekbones, nose, forehead, inner corners of her eyes and chin to create a natural glowing effect.

Lastly, Davina used soft pink lipstick with a glossy effect to perfect her makeup. Davina's make-up results are truly flawless and look natural. Even her face looks healthy and naturally glowing.

photo: Instagram/@davinaakaramoy

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