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20 Juni 2017 13:45

Mudik While Fasting? Here Are Some Tips To Make Your Travel Better

It's going to be a long journey home, so prepare yourself well. Petra Hapsari
Mudik While Fasting? Here Are Some Tips To Make Your Travel Better Image: Shutterstock/ Tom Wang

Are you planning to go back to your hometown while fasting? It's going to be a long travel, so make sure you are well-prepared before starting the journey.

Here are some tips of what to do and what to prepare before traveling home while fasting:

1. Plan your journey well

Try not to start the journey without a plan. Knowing where to go, how long it will take to reach the destination and the condition of road you are going to pass are important. The information can minimize the risks during your road trip.

2. Maintain your stamina

It is much better to go with a healthy body. Prepare your stamina days before starting the road trip. Remember that you are the one who understands your body.

3. Pay attention to your nutrition and fluids intake

Before leaving, make sure you have got enough nutrition from healthy food you eat during suhoor, and do drink a lot. Besides having water, you can also get some vitamins to boost your stamina.

4. Go during nighttime

Intense sunlight exposure might make you dehydrate sooner, that is why starting the mudik during nighttime can be a better choice. The other benefit is if you go during nighttime, you can eat and drink in case you feel hungry and thirsty. Your blood sugar then can be normal again, and you can focus more on your journey.

5. Take first aid kit and medicines with you

We dont know what the future brings so it is better to prepare than be sorry. Bring the first aid kit with you, including medicines, medicated oil, gauze and betadine.

6. Dont forget the food for breaking the fast

If you start during daytime, there is a chance for you to break the fast on your journey. Rather than taking risk eating street food you are unsure of the quality, it is better for you to bring them yourself.

7. Keep an eye on your luggage

While fasting, one might lose a bit of his concentration and becomes susceptible of losing wallet, mobile phone or luggage. That is why you need to be more conscious of what you are carrying with you.

8. Rest when you are tired

Know your limit! You might have heard about accidents caused by sleepy driver and we are sure you do not want to be the one who adds the victim list. Stop in a safe place to relax or take a rest. During mudik time, we usually can find police stations while having journey and it can be one of the best option to take a break from a long drive.

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The article was previously published on Hellosehat.com.

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