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24 Juni 2024 18:43

There were no plans to go on the Hajj, Kartika Putri said that going to Mecca was just a matter of recklessness

Kartika Putri's initial intention of going to London to watch the Champions League suddenly changed plans to perform the Hajj. Ferra Listianti

Brilio.net - In the 2024 Hajj season, many Indonesian artists have decided to go to the holy land. One of them is Kartika Putri and her husband, Habib Usman bin Yahya. This couple had the opportunity to visit Mecca at the young age of 30 years.

After returning to the Holy Land, Habib Usman also shared his experience of performing the Hajj. It was stated that his decision to perform Hajj this time came suddenly. Initially, they planned to go to London and had no intention of doing the Hajj.

photo: Instagram/@kartikaputriworld

"So, on Thursday evening, Friday, exactly one week before leaving, we should have gone to London by appointment with Atta and Aurel to watch the Champions League final," he said as reported by brilio.net from YouTube Kartika Putri Official, Monday (24/6).

However, on the same day, he and his wife met a person who was close to the Saudi Arabian Embassy. The person offered that the husband and wife did not need to go to London but asked to go on Hajj.

"There's no need to go to London. Just go to the Hajj. I'll give you a visa tomorrow," said Habib Usman , imitating the person's words.

Hearing this offer, the couple, who are blessed with 2 children, felt hesitant before finally accepting the invitation. This couple's doubts were none other than because they thought that Hajj visas could not be obtained easily.

photo: Instagram/@kartikaputriworld

"We don't believe it, it seems impossible that the visa can be so fast," added Kartika Putri.

The person who offered the Hajj explained that Indonesia still had the remaining quota for the Hajj. Because of these conditions, they also offered the opportunity to Kartika Putri and Habib Usman. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, Kartika Putri and her husband agreed.

"Incidentally, Indonesia still has a lot of remaining quota, he said that. So, God willing, it will be easy. We said, 'Yes, that's it, bismillah'," explained Kartika.

Habib Usman revealed that this pilgrimage was due to Kartika Putri's strong intentions. He admitted that he actually had no intention of going on the Hajj again.

"Maybe I went because I wanted to accompany my wife," said Habib Usman.

Unexpectedly, Kartika was given the opportunity to go on the Hajj. He was even surprised that the conditions for making a visa that he had just sent on Friday could already be printed on Monday. The two of them immediately rushed to book tickets and hotels privately.

"The visa only took one day to come out. We just sent it on Friday. On Monday we said everything was ready. Look for your own hotel, look for your own tickets. Armina isn't there yet. Everything isn't there yet. But thank God, Allah makes it easy. Allah loves the people who help like that," said Habib Usman.

Kartika revealed that all this was just reckless capital. After getting plane tickets and a hotel, the couple went straight to Medina to visit Raudhah.

photo: Instagram/@kartikaputriworld

"We were really reckless, the important thing was that we said, let's just leave for now. Finally we decided to go to Medina, on a pilgrimage to the apostle's grave in Raudhah. Even then, Allah made everything easy, because usually you have to wear a tasreh to enter," explained Kartika.

However, his confidence in performing Hajj was shaken when he did not get a card to enter the Arafah school. But armed with determination and belief, they were finally able to carry out the Hajj pilgrimage smoothly.

"Basically, long story short, this was not planned, but Allah gave us convenience. Allah gave us unexpected pleasure. And thank God, that makes me happy, I can live it according to the sunnah of the Prophet," concluded Kartika Putri.

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