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21 Mei 2024 15:25

The role of Kancil in Jenderal Kancil now exists in Saleha, take a peek at 11 portraits of his adorable childhood

He became the star of a carat candy advertisement when he was 4 years old Ida Setyaningsih
The role of Kancil in Jenderal Kancil now exists in Saleha, take a peek at 11 portraits of his adorable childhood Instagram/@sahabatreybong_; MD Entertainment

Brilio.net - For those of you who are fans of old soap operas, you must be familiar with the show Jenderal Kancil, right? This soap opera, which was popular in 2013, successfully captivated the audience with its exciting story. At that time, General Kancil was broadcast on MNC TV telling about the actions of a little boy named Kancil who wanted to fight the Dutch.

Who would have thought, the figure of Kancil now exists in the latest soap opera Saleha, you know. Yep, he is Muhammad Fahreyza Anugrah Efrianda or popularly known as Rey Bong. This 18 year old actor plays the character of Bara who is Syifa Hadju's younger brother in the soap opera Saleha .

Even though he is relatively young, Rey Bong is not new to the entertainment industry. This actor from Bengkulu has been starring in dairy product advertisements since he was 4 years old. He then made his acting debut at the age of 8 through the series Super Shoes.

His figure often appears on television, quite a few have been fascinated and intrigued by Rey Bong's cute face for a long time. Plus, the actor in the film Si Doel The Movie became increasingly handsome when he got older. Are you curious about the portrait? Check out the brilio.net summary from various sources, Tuesday (21/5).

1. This is a portrait of Rey Bong as a child with chubby, chubby cheeks.

photo: Instagram/@sahabatreybong_

2. Rey Bong is the youngest of three brothers. He comes from Bengkulu.

photo: Instagram/@sahabatreybong_

3. Since childhood, this actor and singer has been involved in entertainment, you know. To be precise, from the age of 4, he became a television commercial star.

photo: Instagram/@sahabatreybong_

4. This is a portrait of him when he was the star of a chewing gum advertisement. Those of you who followed advertisements from the early 2000s will definitely be familiar.

photo: Instagram/@sahabatreybong_

5. Rey Bong has also starred in a toothpaste advertisement, here he is a student who is worried about his parents if he has crooked teeth.

photo: Instagram/@sahabatreybong_

6. There is also a cereal milk advertisement starring Rey Bong. With a gloomy face like this, the owner's full name is Muhammad Fahreyza Anugrah Efrianda.

photo: Instagram/@sahabatreybong_

7. Apart from being a commercial star, Rey Bong made his acting debut at the age of 8 through the Super Shoes series.

photo: Instagram/@sahabatreybong_

8. One of the popular TV series is General Kancil, here. There, this singer and actor played the main role as Kancil.

photo: mdentertainment.com

9. Now, this 18 year old actor still exists in entertainment. He has starred in dozens of films and soap operas, such as Dari Window SMP, Si Doel The Movie, and others.

photo: Instagram/@sahabatreybong_

10. Rey has had many achievements in entertainment. In 2020, he won an award at the Bandung Film Festival in the category of Praised Male Actor in a Television Series. In 2022 he also won the 2023 SCTV Awards in the Most Popular Newcomer category.

photo: Instagram/@sahabatreybong_

11. Now, the singer of Itu Kamu is playing the character Bara in the latest soap opera Saleha.

photo: Instagram/@sahabatreybong_

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