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31 Maret 2016 11:04

Spoiler alert: 5 GoT’s facts from season 6

Thanks to the trailer, many rumours that were running on the Internet were proven to be more and more true Celia Tholozan
Spoiler alert: 5 GoT’s facts from season 6 © techtimes.com

Brilio.net/en - The release of the first trailer of the sixth season of Game of Thrones by HBO two weeks ago literally broke any viewing records: over 30 million in only one day. Thanks to this video, many rumours that were running on the Internet were proven to be more and more true. Here is a recap of the 5 most-likely facts about the dearly anticipated season 6:

1.Jon snow is not dead

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Image viahbogameofthronesseason6.com

This is not really a spoiler, simply because this is actually the first image of the video. Jon Snow lying on the ground, left for dead and a mysterious voice whispering hes gone. This is already an obvious hint that we will definitely see more of Jon. The rumour of Jon Snows return spread all over the web after the actor playing Snow, Kit Harington, was seen at the shooting of the currents season, was probably quite a big hint too

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2.Bran is back

Image viatheneeds.com

And apparently he grew up just fine and grew at least thirty centimetres Watch out Jon, the Starks succession is coming! Bran was not present in season 5, to fans utter despair. The video shows a young man ready to face the king of the White Walkers, and the most surprising of all facts: he stands!

3.Cersei wants revenge

Image viatelling-secrets.blogspot.com

I choose violence she said. Those words, relayed all over the social networks these past days, prove that Cersei is obviously a bit mad at those who had her walking around the city bold, naked and humiliated. The character is famous for a certain tendency to cruelty, so we can expect quite a bit of a fight, especially since the Mountain seems to be back as well

4.Daenerys has to start all over again

Image viaskyatlantic.sky.it

The mother of the dragons doesnt look so glorious walking in the dirt, surrounded by a crowd as dusty as her dress and looking particularly preoccupied. As we can see in the video, it seems that one more time she will be rescued by her (not so) faithful Jorah Mormont!

5.Arya lost her sight

Image viawww.haktechs.com

Even if it could be only temporary, Aryas eyes seem to be in quite a bad shape. Forced to a particularly difficult training, we can only hope that she will recover and come back stronger than ever, and finally get rid of that damn list!

Another important fact about the season: for once, the friend who had read all the books cover to cover more than once wont be able to reveal any details, simply because George R.R Martin hasnt finished the book yet! HBO promised a season full of surprises and incredible scenes, and an epic battle in a unique episode, something never done so far on a TV show, according to the directors. That episode was shot during a whole month...!

Just a few more weeks to go before the big first episode, so to hold you over here is the last trailer available:

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