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10 Februari 2016 13:00

Resting Bitch Face supported by science

There is actually a science behind the resting bitch face that supports those of us who just can’t be bothered to fake a smile. Ivana Lucic
Resting Bitch Face supported by science

Brilio.net/en - Whats really behind those eyes. Resting Bitch Face, or RBF as it has become known as, is a serious syndrome afflicting women around the globe. Imagine being told to smile more or always being asked whats wrong when youre simply embracing your natural face?

According to face-reading software, there is actually a science behind the resting bitch face that supports those of us who just cant be bothered to fake a smile.

The software is traditionally used observational and behavioural analysis, but scientists Abbe Macbeth and Jason Rogers at Noldus Information Technology decided to apply the software to analyse the faces of celebrities who look less than pleases, including: Kanye West, Kristen Stewart, Anna Kendrick and even Queen Elizabeth II.

The discovery was that there are underlying emotions behind that cool and disconnected look we sometimes interpret people as having. An average neutral face will usually be about 97% neutral, with the remaining 3% exhibiting some type of emotion. Yet with the tested samples, the people who exhibited RBF actually had nearly double the emotion displayed, at 6%. While it may not seem inherently significant, its enough for the average human to sense something more behind those eyes.

It works the reverse way as well. Blake Lively and Jennifer Aniston register to people as happy because their resting facial features more aspects of emotions such as joy.

The subtle facial expressions such as a slightly pulled back lip or squinting eyes are seen as contempt, but there may be more forces at play for resting bitch face. According to Anthony S. Youn, a board certified plastic surgeon, also attributes the phenomenon to genetics. "Gravity combined with genetics can pull our mouths down. As we get older and our skin gets looser and it gives us a permanent frown," he said.

For those of us who cant afford plastic surgery to cure our unsmiling faces, try just smiling. Happy expressions, both facially and physically such as opening your body and uncrossing arms and legs, has actually been proven to change attitudes.

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