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17 Agustus 2024 16:00

Rely on local brands, take a peek at 7 makeup details of tray bearer Livenia Evelyn Kurniawan

It is known that the secret to this smudge-proof and flawless makeup is using a local brand, namely Mustika Ratu. Devi Aristyaputri
Rely on local brands, take a peek at 7 makeup details of tray bearer Livenia Evelyn Kurniawan foto: TikTok/@zianrandom

Brilio.net - Member of the 2024 National Flag Raising Troops (Paskibraka) from East Kalimantan (Kaltim), Livenia Evelyn Kurniawan, was selected as the tray bearer at the ceremony to commemorate the Indonesian Independence Day at the IKN.

On Saturday (17/8) was the first commemoration of the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, held in the new capital city, the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN). Being one of the most important moments, made everyone involved in this Independence ceremony prepare optimally. One of them is the makeup used by the Livenia tray bearer and the Paskibraka as many as 76 members.

It is known that the secret of this anti-fade and flawless makeup uses a local brand, namely Mustika Ratu. Through the Instagram upload beautyqueenbymr, sharing the makeup process from skincare preparation to finishing. For those of you who are curious about Livenia Evelyn's makeup look , let's see some makeup details as summarized by briliobeauty.net from various sources, Saturday (8/17).

1. The flawless and crack-free makeup results were polished by skilled makeup artist Attan Bahrum. Through a video upload on the TikTok account @zianrandom, he applied makeup with a natural feel.

photo: TikTok/@zianrandom

2. Then, this natural makeup is visible from the combination of colors used, such as peach and pink.

photo: TikTok/@zianrandom

3. The most prominent color combination is on the eyes. The MUA applied eyeshadow with a white base and then covered it with a nude color.

photo: TikTok/@zianrandom

4. Moving on to the eyebrows and eyelashes, apply thinly and not too thickly. The touch of eyeliner and winged on Livenia's eyes makes her face look sweet.

photo: TikTok/@zianrandom

5. A touch of pink blush is also added to sweeten the makeup.

photo: Instagram/@attan_bahrum

6. Not only that, the MUA also added shading to the nose and highlighter to make the face look glowing.

photo: Instagram/@attan_bahrum

7. As a finishing touch, apply lipstick in a red shade that matches the uniform and provides a symbol of courage.

photo: Instagram/@attan_bahrum

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